Abhiek187 / ez-recipes-ios

Easy recipes finder iOS app
MIT License
0 stars 0 forks source link

Feature/review #52

Closed Abhiek187 closed 5 months ago

Abhiek187 commented 5 months ago
review-prompt-1 review-prompt-2

The iOS implementation of https://github.com/Abhiek187/ez-recipes-android/issues/97

To help collect feedback, a review prompt will now appear on the home screen after viewing at least 5 recipes. Since this prompt can only appear up to 3 times per 365-day period, I only show it once per app version. There's a 2-second delay to reduce the chances of it interrupting the user. It works in the simulator, but the submit button is grayed out since the app isn't published.

This shouldn't appear in UI tests since we're not opening this many recipes.

Sample UserDefaults (from running /usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c print com.abhiek.EZ-Recipes.plist):

Dict {
    terms = bplist00?termsXexpireAt?
S_idTwordZdefinition_659355351c9a1fbc3bce6618Wproduce_food grown by farming?
_6593556d1c9a1fbc3bce6619Umince_cut up into small pieces?_659355831c9a1fbc3bce661aUbroil_cook, such as in an oven?_659355951c9a1fbc3bce661bVsimmer_<stay below the boiling point when heated, such as with water?_659355a41c9a1fbc3bce661cXal de")-2=X`x??????? 'fm????asta or rice that's cooked so it can be chewed#Aٜ?f۠I
    recipesViewed = 10
    lastVersionPromptedForReview = 2.0.1