AbhimanyuHK / aws-psycopg2

A aws psycopg2 package from psycopg2 https://pypi.org/project/aws-psycopg2/
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Package creates files too big to allow Lambda in-line editing #13

Closed wellsoliver closed 1 year ago

wellsoliver commented 1 year ago

Maybe something we'd need to accept, though I've used a AWS compiled pscopg2 package before, but this creates a 35MB directory. When you zip this and copy it to AWS Lambda, the package is too large to allow in-line code editing, which is a super useful feature in the environment. I believe the max might be 3-5MB.

I have used this project which creates a much smaller package and allows for in-line editing, like 1.5MB.

Again, not sure if you can work around this but I thought I'd mention re: overall usability.

AbhimanyuHK commented 1 year ago

Hey @wellsoliver, create lambda layer & map to lambda function

refer : https://docs.aws.amazon.com/lambda/latest/dg/configuration-layers.html

wellsoliver commented 1 year ago

hey, didn't know about layers! Thanks!