Abhinandan-Kushwaha / react-native-gifted-charts

The most complete library for Bar, Line, Area, Pie, Donut, Stacked Bar and Population Pyramid charts in React Native. Allows 2D, 3D, gradient, animations and live data updates.
MIT License
739 stars 149 forks source link

Barchart bar does not render at first, only if react component is changed ( EXPO ) #605

Closed samuel-rodrigues-silva closed 5 months ago

samuel-rodrigues-silva commented 5 months ago


samuel-rodrigues-silva commented 5 months ago

bable.config,js module.exports = function (api) { api.cache(true); return { presets: ['babel-preset-expo'], plugins: ['nativewind/babel'], }; };

"react-native-gifted-charts": "^1.4.10",
"react-native-linear-gradient": "^2.8.3",
"react-native-paper": "^5.12.3",
"react-native-svg": "^14.1.0",
samuel-rodrigues-silva commented 5 months ago

<View style={{ backgroundColor: '#fff', paddingBottom: 40, borderRadius: 10, zIndex: 20, }}

<BarChart frontColor='#000000' verticalLinesZIndex={20} showXAxisIndices barWidth={18} spacing={10} data={location} width={Dimensions.get('window').width - 32} showValuesAsTopLabel xAxisLabelsVerticalShift={60} xAxisLabelTextStyle={{ transform: 'rotate(50deg) translate(-20px,10px)', }} labelWidth={110} hideYAxisText labelsExtraHeight={20} barBorderRadius={3} yAxisThickness={1} xAxisThickness={1} xAxisColor='#ccc' yAxisColor='#CCC' maxValue={locationMaxValue ? locationMaxValue + 1 : 10} />

samuel-rodrigues-silva commented 5 months ago

Solved it by downgrading version 1.4.10 to 1.4.7