Abhinandan-Kushwaha / react-native-gifted-charts

The most complete library for Bar, Line, Area, Pie, Donut, Stacked Bar and Population Pyramid charts in React Native. Allows 2D, 3D, gradient, animations and live data updates.
MIT License
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PieChart data attribute setting also sets textColor: 'red', focused: true, the font does not display red #886

Open xuxiaoqian1 opened 3 weeks ago

xuxiaoqian1 commented 3 weeks ago


PieChart data attribute setting also sets textColor: 'red', focused: true, the font does not display red

Problem reproduction demo:

<PieChart data={[{ value: 50 }, { value: 20 }, { value: 40 }]} {...{
      showText: true,
      showTextBackground: true,
      sectionAutoFocus: true,
      data: [
        { shiftTextX: 10, shiftTextY: 20, value: 60, text: '60', textColor: 'red', focused: true, },
        { value: 70, text: '70', textColor: 'blue', },
        { value: 40, text: '40', textColor: 'black', }

Steps to reproduce

Problem reproduction demo:

<PieChart data={[{ value: 50 }, { value: 20 }, { value: 40 }]} {...{
      showText: true,
      showTextBackground: true,
      sectionAutoFocus: true,
      data: [
        { shiftTextX: 10, shiftTextY: 20, value: 60, text: '60', textColor: 'red', focused: true, },
        { value: 70, text: '70', textColor: 'blue', },
        { value: 40, text: '40', textColor: 'black', }

Snack or a link to a repository

No response

version of react-native-gifted-charts


React Native version





React Native