Abhishek-AC / CSCI-526-AAA

Elementally - TripleA - Advanced Mobile Devices and Game Consoles
MIT License
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Midterm Presentation Ideas and Scripts #26

Closed late-in-autumn closed 4 years ago

late-in-autumn commented 4 years ago

Here is the issue for midterm ideas and scripts.

late-in-autumn commented 4 years ago

USC Valley – A Modern Rebirth of the Legacy of M.C. Escher

Welcome to USC Valley, a game that has its roots lie in the legacy of the artist M.C. Escher, and his pioneering artworks of impossible constructs, which plays on optical illusions and the creative use of 2D perspectives.

After going past the simple welcome screen, you will be greeted with a set of basic instructions, which will help you to navigate around the would of impossible objects. In short, you will need to reach your destination, and gather the star medal. However, you will encounter multiple roadblocks, and each one requires a different method to be cleared.

What you see now is a what a typical level of the game would look like, which consists three obstacles and a single collectable item (besides the destination medal) that must be collected in order to finish the game. First, you want to drag the draggable block towards you, and ferry yourself to the other end, to collect the collectable. And as you can see, once you managed to collect it, a roadblock on the far end just turned itself into a bridge. Now move back to where you have started and continue your journey. What you will encounter now seems to be a dead end, but did you see the gear on the corner? Tap it to make the blocks rotate, and it will form a path for you. Now your path to victory is clear, simply go for it and claim your medal.

What you see here today is a basic concept of the game built upon the optical and perspective illusions of impossible constructs. The next step is to expand to a series of multiple levels with a backstory, and to implement some “impossible physics” like water flowing to a “higher” point in the map, which seems to be counterintuitive, and only realizable in the virtual world that we have constructed.

late-in-autumn commented 4 years ago

Video link: https://youtu.be/sGUPaYdTf1I

late-in-autumn commented 4 years ago

I guess we made it.