Abhoryo / APYJsFormValidationBundle

This bundle performs validations of a form in javascript. (i18n compatible and several javascript frameworks supported)
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fix dependency on symfony #44

Closed lsmith77 closed 10 years ago

lsmith77 commented 10 years ago


first up i would recommend to depend on framework-bundle instead of symfony itself. furthermore I think it would be safe to mark this bundle as compatible with symfony/framework-bundle: ~2.3

recipe commented 10 years ago

Travis refuses to digest it. Can't figure out why. https://travis-ci.org/Abhoryo/APYJsFormValidationBundle/jobs/11481025

recipe commented 10 years ago

Does "symfony/framework-bundle": "~2.1" mean that we do not support 2.2.* and 2.3.* versions of symfony? I think "symfony/framework-bundle": ">=2.1,<2.4-dev" would more correct as we support them. Please explain?

lsmith77 commented 10 years ago

the ~ means that the last number in the following version string can be incremented to any higher number. ie. ~2.1 means 2.1.*, 2.2.* etc are allowed .. but 2.0.* is not

recipe commented 10 years ago

ok. This fact seems to be not obvious while reading http://getcomposer.org/doc/01-basic-usage.md#package-versions