Abidsyed25 / ScrapQuest

ScrapQuest is your go-to solution for effortlessly extracting data from websites. It's a powerful web scraper built with Next.js, TypeScript, and Puppeteer with Browserless. With ScrapQuest, you can quickly gather valuable information from any website without hassle.
MIT License
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🪲[Bug]: Adding eye button on the login/signup page #101

Closed vansh-sardana closed 1 week ago

vansh-sardana commented 1 week ago

Describe the bug If one wants to see the password about what he typed, there should be a way to oversee the password.

Expected behavior There should be an eye button there in order to toggle the password and verify it. Will add on both login and signup pages.

Screenshots image


Abidsyed25 commented 1 week ago

@vansh-sardana carry-on