Abidsyed25 / ScrapQuest

ScrapQuest is your go-to solution for effortlessly extracting data from websites. It's a powerful web scraper built with Next.js, TypeScript, and Puppeteer with Browserless. With ScrapQuest, you can quickly gather valuable information from any website without hassle.
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🪲[Bug]: Login Page lacks compatability in small screen devices #111

Open codercake opened 1 week ago

codercake commented 1 week ago

Bug Report: Login Page Incompatibility with Small Screen Devices

Bug Description: The login page is not displaying correctly on small screen devices, such as smartphones and small tablets. The layout appears broken, making it difficult or impossible for users to input their login credentials.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Go to the login page using a small screen device (smartphone or small tablet).
  2. Attempt to access the login form.
  3. Scroll down the page if necessary to view the entire form.
  4. Observe the issues with the layout and functionality.

Expected Behavior: The login page should be responsive and adjust its layout to fit smaller screens appropriately. Users should be able to see and interact with all form fields and buttons without any layout issues.

Actual Behavior:

Screenshots: Screenshot 2024-06-20 113126

Additional Information:

Possible Causes:

Suggested Fixes:


Abidsyed25 commented 1 week ago

@codercake go on