Abidsyed25 / ScrapQuest

ScrapQuest is your go-to solution for effortlessly extracting data from websites. It's a powerful web scraper built with Next.js, TypeScript, and Puppeteer with Browserless. With ScrapQuest, you can quickly gather valuable information from any website without hassle.
MIT License
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NOT GOOD for mobile screen at all #95

Closed Utsavladia closed 1 week ago

Utsavladia commented 1 week ago

Describe the bug The website is not good for the mobile screen

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to inspect view and reduce size of screen to mobile view

Expected behavior It should be responsive for all sscreen sizes to have the best experience to the users.

Screenshots image

I would love to contribute to this project and make it better for the users. Please assing this to me under GSSoC 😊