AbirHasan2005 / ShellPhish

Modded version of shellphish. Mod Features are Colourized Text, Animations, In built setup for Termux, Extra features, More improvements, Bugs cleared, Fixed URL not showing.
MIT License
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no link is generated #31

Open Madlykeanu opened 2 years ago

Madlykeanu commented 2 years ago

none of the 4 options will generate a usable link

jayhill365 commented 2 years ago

I ran into this same problem. As a work around you can download ngrok and route traffic to ngrok on 5555 you will then be able to grab the linkz there.

Madlykeanu commented 2 years ago

ive figured out how to kind of fix it by doing ./ngrok http 8080 in the shellphish folder and then opening another terminal in /shellphish/sites/ and doing php -S localhost:8080 it will then work on the same device its being hosted on, now the problem is when i send it to my other device i just get ERR_NGROK_3200 tunnel hostname not found, not entirely sure if this is shellphishes problem or ngrok, i will do some research into it tomorrow

jayhill365 commented 2 years ago

Okay that's where im at as well, I can get page working locally but link doesn't work when sent to a different ip, let me know if you find a fix for it

jayhill365 commented 2 years ago

After researching a bit it might be a ngrok issue you could prob look for a similar tool to use such as https://github.com/cloudflare/cloudflared , or another alternative. Looks like zphisher was having similar issues with ngrok services not working as well https://github.com/htr-tech/zphisher/issues/281 @AbirHasan2005 any ideas of how we can resolve this?

AbirHasan2005 commented 2 years ago

I'm trying to solve this issue.

jayhill365 commented 2 years ago

going to look into more potential workarounds

Xtarii commented 2 years ago

Ngrok was not working for me as well, and by starting it in shellphish folder it did not help if I want everyone to be able to klick the link --> but I found localtunnel and by starting that on the same port as ngrok, I can send link to everyone

LumiaPapa commented 2 years ago

ive figured out how to kind of fix it by doing ./ngrok http 8080 in the shellphish folder and then opening another terminal in /shellphish/sites/ and doing php -S localhost:8080 it will then work on the same device its being hosted on, now the problem is when i send it to my other device i just get ERR_NGROK_3200 tunnel hostname not found, not entirely sure if this is shellphishes problem or ngrok, i will do some research into it tomorrow

Still facing same error.... No link is generated by any of the 4.

FateGeekHead commented 3 months ago

same issue in genrating link no link is being genrated