Pull Request: Linked List in C Programming Documentation
This pull request contains a new Markdown document that explains the concept of Linked Lists in C Programming. It includes a definition, an explanation in simple terms, and code snippets to help readers understand the topic.
Changes Made
Created a new Markdown file: linked-list.MD
Added content about Linked Lists in C Programming.
Included a clear and simple explanation for beginners.
Provided code snippets to illustrate the concept.
Ensured proper formatting and readability.
The purpose of this pull request is to contribute a beginner-friendly document about linked lists in C programming. It serves as an educational resource for those learning about data structures in C.
Content accuracy and correctness.
Clarity and simplicity of the explanation.
Code snippets for accuracy and completeness.
Proper formatting and structure of the document.
Additional Information
This document is submitted as part of a learning initiative to make programming concepts more accessible to beginners. It aims to assist those looking to understand and work with linked lists in C.
Your feedback and suggestions for improvements are highly appreciated.
Name: Ayush Awasthi
Email: ayushawasthi2409@gmail.com
Thank you for considering this contribution. Your feedback and input are invaluable in improving the quality and accessibility of educational content in this project.
Pull Request: Linked List in C Programming Documentation
This pull request contains a new Markdown document that explains the concept of Linked Lists in C Programming. It includes a definition, an explanation in simple terms, and code snippets to help readers understand the topic.
Changes Made
The purpose of this pull request is to contribute a beginner-friendly document about linked lists in C programming. It serves as an educational resource for those learning about data structures in C.
Additional Information
This document is submitted as part of a learning initiative to make programming concepts more accessible to beginners. It aims to assist those looking to understand and work with linked lists in C.
Your feedback and suggestions for improvements are highly appreciated.
Thank you for considering this contribution. Your feedback and input are invaluable in improving the quality and accessibility of educational content in this project.