Abjad / abjad

Abjad is a Python API for building LilyPond files. Use Abjad to make PDFs of music notation.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Info docs without images #1552

Open DaviRaubach opened 1 year ago

DaviRaubach commented 1 year ago

I manage to make the info version of abjad documentation and installed it correctly. It's great to have it inside emacs.

Captura de Tela 2023-07-01 às 08 34 21

However, it does not insert images rendered by lilypond. I got the correct result in html so I believe it's something in sphinx configuration regarding texinfo.

DaviRaubach commented 1 year ago

Sorry, I should have offered more information.


/Users/davi/github/abjad/docs/source/index.rst:2: WARNING: tipo de nó desconhecido: <lilypond_block: <#text: '\\version "2.19 ...'>>

"tipo de nó desconhecido" = unknown node

System info:


Maybe this is the expected behavior. I believe it would require a lot of work to have images there. I don't know if uqbar could do that...

In the case it should continue like that, maybe we could better separate the lilypond output. See how it is presented in my info file:

As a first example, start Python, import Abjad, make some notes:

     >>> import abjad
     >>> string = "c'16 f' g' a' d' g' a' b' e' a' b' c'' f' b' c'' d''16"
     >>> voice_1 = abjad.Voice(string, name="Voice_1")
     >>> staff_1 = abjad.Staff([voice_1], name="Staff_1")
     >>> abjad.show(staff_1)
\version "2.19.83" \language "english" \score { \context Staff =
"Staff_1" { \context Voice = "Voice_1" { c’16 f’16 g’16 a’16 d’16 g’16
a’16 b’16 e’16 a’16 b’16 c’’16 f’16 b’16 c’’16 d’’16 } } } Use Python’s
list operations to split, reverse, join the input string.  Then extend
voice 1:

     >>> pitches = string.split()
     >>> pitches = reversed(pitches)
     >>> retrograde = " ".join(pitches)
     >>> voice_1.extend(retrograde)
     >>> abjad.show(staff_1)
\version "2.19.83" \language "english" \score { \context Staff =
"Staff_1" { \context Voice = "Voice_1" { c’16 f’16 g’16 a’16 d’16 g’16
a’16 b’16 e’16 a’16 b’16 c’’16 f’16 b’16 c’’16 d’’16 d’’16 c’’16 b’16
f’16 c’’16 b’16 a’16 e’16 b’16 a’16 g’16 d’16 a’16 g’16 f’16 c’16 } } }
Create a second voice in a second staff:

Thank you