Ableton / LinkKit

iOS SDK for Ableton Link, a new technology that synchronizes musical beat, tempo, and phase across multiple applications running on one or more devices.
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Memory leaks detected #38

Closed KKQ-KKQ closed 2 years ago

KKQ-KKQ commented 7 years ago

Instruments detects many memory leaks.

Open LinkHut in Xcode, select Product - Profile, select Leaks, and push the record button.

Xcode 8.3.3 (8E3004b) LinkKit 2.1.0 LinkKit 2.1.1 beta

hashmal commented 7 years ago

I can't reproduce the issue, memory is fine when I run Instruments.

KKQ-KKQ commented 7 years ago

The issue occurs on 2 Mac (Sierra, El Capitan), 1 Virtual Machine (Sierra), and iPad mini 3 (iOS 10.3.2). The virtual machine is nearly clean installed.

After pushing the record, there are two leaks. Then I open Settings in LinkHut, many leaks appear.

The first two leaks are not detected in my app integration. But the settings leaks are detected.

Also I tried renaming /usr/local/lib and /usr/local/bin, but Nothing changed about the issue.

LinkKit 1.0.2 does not seem to contain the issue. I have decided to use this.

KKQ-KKQ commented 7 years ago

LinkHut starts

2017-06-26 8 38 18

Settings opened

2017-06-26 8 38 37
fgo-ableton commented 7 years ago

@KKQ-KKQ Thanks a lot for reporting this! There seems to be an issue with the Settings View Controller. We'll try to fix this soon.

fgo-ableton commented 7 years ago

@KKQ-KKQ Here's a new build that should fix the leaks. Please have a look.

KKQ-KKQ commented 7 years ago

It looks fine. Thanks.