Ableton / LinkKit

iOS SDK for Ableton Link, a new technology that synchronizes musical beat, tempo, and phase across multiple applications running on one or more devices.
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The enabled state is controlled directly by the user via the ABLLinkSettingsViewController #8

Closed sinosoidal closed 2 years ago

sinosoidal commented 8 years ago

Hi. I have just stumbled on this limitation. Is there any technical reason for only allowing a developer to open a dedicated iOS only view controller to controller such an important aspect?

I take consistency across platforms very seriously and for me it doesn't make sense to display a view controller that is not in the same visual language of my app.

The fact that Link itself is developed in C++ is great because I can use it in my Android, iOS and desktop apps easily, but this limitation it's just the opposite.

Please advise!

brs-ableton commented 8 years ago

I appreciate your desire for cross-platform consistency, but that conflicts here with providing users a consistent experience across apps, which is one of our design goals for Link. We see the Link view controller as playing a similar role to a built-in system control - familiar and recognizable to users across different contexts.

Please understand that the LinkKit library as currently distributed is an iOS-specific library. We plan to expand Link support to other platforms in the future, but at this moment it is only available for iOS.

fgo-ableton commented 2 years ago

Closing this issue. The C++ version lives here.