Ableton / link

Ableton Link
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Add some Peer infos #14

Open TonyVie opened 7 years ago

TonyVie commented 7 years ago

Is it planned to add some more info about connected peers ? (like their name, IP, ... whatever info they want to expose)

I would like to broadcast some more info between our mac and iOS app. It should be great to use link discovery to do that.

fgo-ableton commented 7 years ago

Thanks for the request. We have heard this before but there is no concrete plan yet. To get a better understanding of what you would want: What kind of information would you want to broadcast? Would that be usable by your apps only? What would be a use case were you would want to know the name of an app?

TonyVie commented 7 years ago

I would like to broadcast some kind of key/value pair dictionary. With standardized keys like: peer name, peer ip, peer bundleID, peer version, peer session/project name. Developers could also broadcast custom key/values.

I would like these informations to display a more friendly jam session status.

And bundleID/IP more specificly to use link's discovery. Then open a second network line to exchange custom messages between our apps.

jbloit commented 6 years ago

Hi, I'm reviving this post as I'm also interested in this request.

Here's my use case: I have is an education orchestra app that has 2 modes, either player or "conductor". The players' start times are synced through Link. The "conductor" is a monitoring mode that allows to display some of the players' parameters sent through OSC. Currently, the conductor can't keep a record of which players are part of the Link session. It has to maintain its own session state through an additional OSC protocol, which kind of looks like un-necessary duplicate traffic, given that some kind of session object is likely being setup and updated within Link. It would be very handy if I could access at least the hostnames of the devices in the current session. And as @TonyVie mentioned, if we additionally can broadcast custom key/values, that's even better.


luzpaz commented 1 year ago

Any traction on this ?

fgo-ableton commented 1 year ago

This is still out of scope.