Abnaxos / markdown-doclet

A Doclet that allows the use of Markdown in JavaDoc comments.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Packages missing from repositories #88

Open mhsmith opened 5 years ago

mhsmith commented 5 years ago

markdown-doclet:1.4 does not work with mavenCentral(), because that version is not in that repository.

Neither markdown-doclet:1.4 nor markdown-doclet:1.3 works with jcenter(), because pegdown version 1.6.0 is not in that repository. I think this has just recently changed: version 1.3 used to work for me.

I'm currently working around this by using markdown-doclet:1.3 with mavenCentral().

richard-melvin commented 5 years ago

Have you tried here?

mhsmith commented 5 years ago

Thanks, for some reason I didn't realize the project had been renamed. I mixed up the two names in my original report: I was actually working around it by using pegdown-doclet:1.3, not markdown-doclet.

However, there is still a problem. With mavenCentral() and markdown-doclet:1.4, I get the following error.

 > Could not resolve org.jenkins-ci:annotation-indexer:1.4.
     Required by:
         project : > ch.raffael.markdown-doclet:markdown-doclet:1.4 > org.kohsuke:github-api:1.76 > com.infradna.tool:bridge-method-annotation:1.14
      > Could not resolve org.jenkins-ci:annotation-indexer:1.4.
         > Could not parse POM https://repo.maven.apache.org/maven2/org/jenkins-ci/annotation-indexer/1.4/annotation-indexer-1.4.pom
            > Could not find org.jenkins-ci:jenkins:1.26.
              Searched in the following locations:

If I use jcenter() instead, then it works fine. Maybe the documentation should be updated.

manuel-mauky commented 5 years ago

I have the same problem and for me it only works if I add both jcenter() and mavenCentral(). To test this I'm forcing gradle to download the dependencies with ./gradlew build --refresh-dependencies. I have no idea why.