Abnaxos / meldioc

A prototype of an IoC (Inversion of Control) library for Java
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Introduce provision selection and prevent overriding mounted provisions #99

Closed Abnaxos closed 2 years ago

Abnaxos commented 3 years ago

The original plan for handling duplicate provisions has a major flaw. So major, that currently, mounted provisions will simply break things.

Let's say we have two features featureA and featureB, that both provide a foo. Currently, the compiler will report an error and require the user to override the provision in the configuration, something like this:

public Foo foo() {
  return featureA().foo();

However, in the generated code, the mounted provisions of both featureA() and featureB() will be overridden to use the provision from the configuration → we get an infinite recursion.

Introduce some attributes to the mount annotation:

@Provision.Mount(select="..." /*, reject="..." -- don't add this, see #104*/)
public abstract Foo foo();

This gives the compiler all the information it needs to correctly generate the code. It's also more visible what's actually going on.

Related to #104

Abnaxos commented 2 years ago

Solved with #104. No provision selection though, but that's fine.