Open Z-demo opened 4 years ago
D:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\envs\pt_new\lib\site-packages\torch\nn\modules\ UserWarning: Setting attributes on ParameterList is not supported.
warnings.warn("Setting attributes on ParameterList is not supported.")
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "E:/Projects/kivy_projects/kive_test1/", line 36, in
# print(C.shape)
feature = torch.matmul(feature, self.fc_bin[0])
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ <--- HERE
feature = feature.permute(1, 0, 2).contiguous()
# feature.shape (batch_size, scale, d)
def forward(self, silho, batch_frame: int = 50):
# n: batch_size, s: frame_num, k: keypoints_num, c: channel
if batch_frame is not None:
# 待解决问题1 RuntimeError:
# Tried to access nonexistent attribute or method 'numpy' of type 'Tensor'.:
# batch_frame = batch_frame[0].data.cpu().numpy().tolist()
#batch_frame = batch_frame.numpy().tolist()
# batch_frame = list()
# _ = len(batch_frame)
# for i in range(len(batch_frame)):
# if batch_frame[-(i + 1)] != 0:
# break
# else:
# _ -= 1
# batch_frame = batch_frame[:_]
# frame_sum = np.sum(batch_frame)
frame_sum = batch_frame
# if frame_sum < silho.size(1):
# silho = silho[:, :frame_sum, :, :]
# self.batch_frame = [0] + np.cumsum(batch_frame).tolist()
n = silho.size(0)
x = silho.unsqueeze(2)
del silho
x = self.set_layer1(x)
x = self.set_layer2(x)
gl = self.gl_layer1(self.frame_max(x)[0])
gl = self.gl_layer2(gl)
gl = self.gl_pooling(gl)
x = self.set_layer3(x)
x = self.set_layer4(x)
gl = self.gl_layer3(gl + self.frame_max(x)[0])
gl = self.gl_layer4(gl)
x = self.set_layer5(x)
x = self.set_layer6(x)
x = self.frame_max(x)[0]
gl = gl + x
# 问题3 feature = list()
feature = [torch.tensor(1)]
# del (feature[0])
n, c, h, w = gl.size()
for num_bin in self.bin_num:
z = x.view(n, c, num_bin, -1)
z = z.mean(3) + z.max(3)[0]
z = gl.view(n, c, num_bin, -1)
z = z.mean(3) + z.max(3)[0]
feature =, 2).permute(2, 0, 1).contiguous()
# feature = feature.matmul(self.fc_bin[0])
# error code!!!!!!!!!
feature = torch.matmul(feature, self.fc_bin[0])
feature = feature.permute(1, 0, 2).contiguous()
# feature.shape (batch_size, scale, d)
# h0 = torch.randn(self.lstm_num_layers, feature.shape[0], self.lstm_hidden_size)
# c0 = torch.randn(self.lstm_num_layers, feature.shape[0], self.lstm_hidden_size)
# feature, (hn, cn) = self.lstm_layer(feature, (h0, c0))
return feature, None