AbrarSyed / SecretRoomsMod-forge

The official SecretRoomsMod repo
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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CamoDoorWood\Item ID Fixed #113

Closed KageDragon closed 10 years ago

KageDragon commented 10 years ago

Was wondering why CamoDoorWood was using an ID -256 when the rest of the blocks were using the ID's right from the cfg.. Found out why: com.github.AbrarSyed.secretroomsmod.common:

public void load(FMLInitializationEvent e)
        // doors, Iron AND Wood
        camoDoorWoodItem = new ItemCamoDoor(ids[5], Material.wood).setUnlocalizedName("mod_SRM.SecretWoodenDoorItem");
        camoDoorWood = new BlockCamoDoor(ids[6] - 256, Material.wood).setUnlocalizedName("mod_SRM.SecretWoodenDoorBlock");
        camoDoorIronItem = new ItemCamoDoor(ids[7] - 256, Material.iron).setUnlocalizedName("mod_SRM.SecretIronDoorItem");
        camoDoorIron = new BlockCamoDoor(ids[8], Material.iron).setUnlocalizedName("mod_SRM.SecretIronDoorBlock");

The -256 in camoDoorWood should be in camoDoorWoodItem :D

AbrarSyed commented 10 years ago
