AbrarSyed / SecretRoomsMod-forge

The official SecretRoomsMod repo
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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Secret Gate enhancement or fix #149

Open cwdean opened 9 years ago

cwdean commented 9 years ago

When placing down a Secret Gate I like to stack three on top and have them extend several blocks. This works great as a wall that can open or close. For example, if a stack three blocks like so --- a block of wood, then a glass block, then a block of wood on the top --- and then place three Secret Gates beside them, all three blocks will be the block of wood. The center block will never inherit the text of the glass. It would be perfect if you could click on the block next to it (when placing the Secret Gate) to indicate which block texture to inherit (and not have it always inherit the bottom block). This sort of works for the bottom block but not for any blocks placed on top of the bottom Secret Gate. I'm not sure but this seems like it would be easy to implement (I'm hoping so at least ). If it worked this way then I could have an entire wall look like the side of a base (i.e. with windows in the middle). But this could be very useful in many ways. Appreciate the consideration and thanks for such an excellent and useful mod.