AbrarSyed / SecretRoomsMod-forge

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Connected textures not working with Optfine Fancy Connected Textures enabled #204

Closed kibmcz closed 6 years ago

kibmcz commented 7 years ago

Version: 5.1.6 (Originally discovered on 5.1.5 ) Config changes: force_ambient_occlusion set to true

With the Optifine fancy connected textures enabled secret doors, one way glass (possibly others) don't blend in with select block textures (confirmed on sandstone and smooth sandstone).

Also possibly related on back side of one way glass the textures don't connect cleanly like vanilla MC glass blocks with Optifine fancy connected textures enabled.

Wyn-Price commented 7 years ago

Connecting the glass like vanilla glass would require alot of work and would mean I need to use optifine as a requirement. Could you post a screenshot of 2 blocks (1 secret rooms one not) before and after turning on fancy textures. Also.make sure to tell me which ones which

kibmcz commented 7 years ago

Wasn't able to show with just 2 but i made it clear which was the one way glass in the shots.

Fancy CTM Off fancy-ctm_off

Fancy CTM On fancy-ctm_on

As per the connected glass requiring optfine shouldn't be issue as long as its only active when fancy CTM is enabled.

Wyn-Price commented 7 years ago

Ah right I see what's happening. I can try and fix this but optifines code isn't open source (I don't think) so figuring out how to get this to work may he difficult

Wyn-Price commented 7 years ago

Ok looking into it more, it seems like this is an issue with Optifine. Im not sure if its even going to be considered an issue, as it only happens in specific situations like this

Wyn-Price commented 7 years ago

Ok I found out why its happening. Gonna do some messing around with the code tonight and see if I was change anything. I have an idea on what to do tho.

kibmcz commented 7 years ago

Ok cool... been following things (including other thread). If you want me to test something before release id be willing to.

Wyn-Price commented 7 years ago

Yes that would be helpful. I'll send you a version when I get home from school. There might be some bugs and crashes as always but it should work

Wyn-Price commented 7 years ago

Sorry for not doing this faster. I have school stuff coming up and Im revising for that

kibmcz commented 7 years ago

That's totally fair as your education comes first. Knowing that its being worked on is enough no rush :)

Wyn-Price commented 6 years ago

Could you test this .jar. I think ive sorted it out but optifine dosnt run in the dev enviroment so i havent had the chance to test

Wyn-Price commented 6 years ago


kibmcz commented 6 years ago

Just tested and the front side connected textures are doing same thing and the one way glass on back side isn't rendering properly when there is more than one of them.

2017-12-03_13 54 07

2017-12-03_13 54 18

Wyn-Price commented 6 years ago

With the bottem layer of sandstone, Im not sure theres any way to fix this. Ill check in with @sp614x but I dont think itll work. As for the other sides... what even...

Wyn-Price commented 6 years ago

It looks like an issue with Optifine. Theres nothing I dont think i can do to solve this, so i unfortunatly might just have to drop it. Ill wait on @sp614x though

Wyn-Price commented 6 years ago

Ok ive managed to use some reflect hackery to hijack the Optifine texturing and stuff like that. the UV issues are still there, but if you use blocks like ghost block, the blocks around it and its own block will change texture. All i need to do is to mess around with the rendering of my blocks and it should work. Im not fully confident about the version, so ill give it to you and hopfully you can mess around with it and find the bugs.

kibmcz commented 6 years ago

That progress sounds good ill be ready for testing the next test build.

Wyn-Price commented 6 years ago

image nearly done :)

Wyn-Price commented 6 years ago

the glass textures on the glass wont be able to connect. I can only choose to make it so the front connects, or the glass, and i think the front would be better as it would make it blend in more

kibmcz commented 6 years ago

That fully makes sense as that goes with the primary goal of blending.

Wyn-Price commented 6 years ago

could you test the mod link here. Theres probally going to be alot of issues and stuff like that. Secret Glass currently stop blocks next to it from rendering, and secret doors dont have the door structure. Theres also some pretty funky things that happen when the block isnt a full block, or the helmet of true sight is on. If you find any bugs, even if Ive mentioned them could you report it in this thread.

kibmcz commented 6 years ago

Took bit longer than planned but got to testing that build and well confirmed the door issue which also effects trap doors. I wasn't really sure on a few of the things to check them out tho.. secret glass block stopping block rendering beside it, slab issue or helmet of true sight issue.

I expanded my connected texture test in this batch and it seems it connects textures with block to left and right of it but down down from SRM block even if the block lower is another SRM block.

sandstone basic test srm mixed test single double stack connected

Wyn-Price commented 6 years ago

Alright I know how to potentially solve this. I'm still in school right now but I should be home in like a couple of hours

Wyn-Price commented 6 years ago

are you available to test ? theres no bugs I could really find but im sure theres some secretroomsmod-1.12.2-5.1.10.zip

kibmcz commented 6 years ago

Out right now but will test when I get home.

kibmcz commented 6 years ago

Just finished testing based on my currently laid out tests and found a few things:

  1. Possibly related to the fixing of the secret doors? removing and replacing the secret wood button and iron door seemed to sort that out. srm missing blocks

  2. Seems its trying to overlay the sandstone over the redstone lamp as part of the ctm. srm mixed test 2

  3. CTM is still not connecting on the bottom sandstone in the test set sandstone basic test 2 srm mixed test 2

Wyn-Price commented 6 years ago

Ah I'm an idiot. I forgot to tell you, go into the config and turn on optifine support. I had to add it as in vanilla, there would be some interesting things going on as it would try to render things optifines way. As for the lamp, In pretty sure I know why that's happening

kibmcz commented 6 years ago

With optifine_support set to true it crashes game when I try to load my test world.

Here are the logs: ambient_occlusion=false crash-force_ambient_occlusion-false.txt

ambient_occlusion=true crash-force_ambient_occlusion-true.txt

Wyn-Price commented 6 years ago

I'll look when I get home. When you create a new world, do these problems still happen when you create a new test world, and mess around in that world

kibmcz commented 6 years ago

Yes it crashes with same crash log output on new world creation.

Wyn-Price commented 6 years ago

Ok I see whats happening. I'm in school for the next 5 hours but I can fix it then. Are you using the latest version of optifine send forge ?

Wyn-Price commented 6 years ago

OK im at home. Im looking into it now

Wyn-Price commented 6 years ago

Ok heres somthing strange. OptiFine_1.12.2_HD_U_C6 works but not OptiFine_1.12.2_HD_U_C7. Theres currently no sources released so theres nothing I can really do. http://optifinesource.co.uk/

Wyn-Price commented 6 years ago

Somehow i managed to figure out whats going on. sp614x set a value to be final, but I can easily get around this

Wyn-Price commented 6 years ago

theres nothing I can do untill he releases the sources. Would you be able to use Optifnie C6.

Wyn-Price commented 6 years ago

would you be able to test this on optifine version C6? It should be fixed

kibmcz commented 6 years ago

Hmm still crashes on C6 (I went to C7 due to Tesselating block model crashes in the past).

Edit: This is a clean profile with just the two mods to rule out conflicts with other mods.

Here is the log: crash-c6.txt

kibmcz commented 6 years ago

Due to requirements for some mods in main mod set 1.12.2-

Wyn-Price commented 6 years ago

Would you be able to do some testing ? If you could use secretroomsmod-1.12.2-5.1.10.zip and send me the fml-client-latest.log

kibmcz commented 6 years ago

Here's the requested log file: fml-client-latest.log

Wyn-Price commented 6 years ago

Could you do the same to this. Thanks again

kibmcz commented 6 years ago

OK didn't crash this time :)

First off the log: fml-client-latest.log

Also secret wooden button and secret doors are rendering as invisible. 2017-12-12_15 47 25

Wyn-Price commented 6 years ago

does that happen when you replace them? Secret buttons are from the exact same class as ghost blocks and 1 block simple things like that so idk how it could break. Doors however could break. Have you also tried the one way glass? Would you be able to send the fml-client-latest-junk.log as well

kibmcz commented 6 years ago

Breaking the blocks then placing them back and saving then reloading the save they render as visible but the doors are back to the previous broken state where you can't tell if they are open or closed.

As per log you mean this one? fml-junk-earlystartup.log

Wyn-Price commented 6 years ago

ah yes I did mean that sorry. is the one way glass working like it should and are the doors being rendered as full blocks or as no blocks ?

kibmcz commented 6 years ago

The one way glass is is not working correctly as it is rendering as the sandstone full block on both sides. The doors are physical working as they should opening and closing (and can go through while they are open) but are rendering as full blocks not changing visible state.

Wyn-Price commented 6 years ago

Ok that makes sense. The glass and the door and trapdoor and true rendering are all off the same code. Ill look into it now and see why its not working. Im stilll going to need your help with debugging

Wyn-Price commented 6 years ago

Does it something about the wrong optifine version in the logs ?

kibmcz commented 6 years ago

Hmm not 100% sure where to look for that but not seeing anything referencing that.

Wyn-Price commented 6 years ago

thats fine. I didnt expect anything. Itll be a clear log from SRM so its easy to spot

Wyn-Price commented 6 years ago

I found out where the issue is, but not why its happening. Im looking into it now