AbrarSyed / SecretRoomsMod-forge

The official SecretRoomsMod repo
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Stone texture for most blocks? #256

Open Hrtlss opened 5 years ago

Hrtlss commented 5 years ago

So most of the blocks that i place look like stone i think only door works. Ghost block looks like stone, buttons, plates, levers or even glass and more also look like stone. They work as intended(with the exeption of glass) as in i can active them/ go thru but it really stands out. Its my favourite mod please help T_T

Wyn-Price commented 5 years ago

It seems like there's been an update in forge that causes this error. I'm away from my computer for a week so I can't do anything, but once I get back I'll be sure to look into it

Hrtlss commented 5 years ago

Is there the same problem with the previous version? Till you fix it i can use past ones.

Wyn-Price commented 5 years ago

There would be issues

Hrtlss commented 5 years ago

What kind of issues? The blocks will work normally yes?

Wyn-Price commented 5 years ago

Stuff probably won't render correctly with the latest version of forge. A version of forge broke my blocks rendering system

DoveGirl777 commented 5 years ago

I have the same problem too

DoveGirl777 commented 5 years ago

the stone block problem

Wyn-Price commented 5 years ago

I'm on a plane home. I'll look for stuff in a few days once I'm not jetlagged

DoveGirl777 commented 5 years ago


DoveGirl777 commented 5 years ago

have a safe flight

Wyn-Price commented 5 years ago


blewconduct commented 5 years ago

It's because ur using the latest version of optifine. U have to downgrade to the one right before it and it will fix ur problem

DoveGirl777 commented 5 years ago

Well, that didn't work for me. i added an older version but still it did not fix the issue. When I removed Optifine entirely, the mod finally worked. Optifine might not be compatible with this mod.

blewconduct commented 5 years ago

I know that optifine is the problem with compatibility with this mod and it may be the minecraft version with optifine as well. This happened to me on 1.12.2 and i was using version E2 on optifine. I was having other issues as well with it. I downgraded to the optifine version E1 and it fixed my problem. If not maybe try an even earlier version

Wyn-Price commented 5 years ago

Optifine breaks alot of things with alot of mods. I try to have compact, but sometimes it's simply not possible. Something must have changed in the lastest optifine. I'll try and have a look but I can't promise I'll solve anything, as the code for optifine is closed source

IvorAmlug commented 5 years ago

Good Luck with that because its anoying. Not as anoying as the flans shader issue but anoying these stone textures kick my virtuel square as (at least i have to find another way to build it).

TheRealDadbeard commented 5 years ago

From what I know the Optifine dev is really helpful to compat...If both dev are agreeing ^^

Wyn-Price commented 5 years ago

@TheRealDadbeard it'll be an issue on my end. Srm does some hacky stuff and I don't want to bother sp614x about changing stuff to comply with my hacky stuff

Slayer5934 commented 5 years ago

Any updates on this issue? A vast number of users have optifine installed. I went ahead and linked the microblocks issue to yours, maybe both of you can work on a fix together if its the same type of issue, it probably isn't though.

Wyn-Price commented 5 years ago

I'm working on it. There are previous versions of optifine that work, just not the latest. I don't think forge microblocks had the same issue as me

Slayer5934 commented 5 years ago

Any updates on this issue O: It's been a tidbit just checking in.

CelestiaSalinas commented 4 years ago

No fix?

dfliess commented 4 years ago

I have the same problem

tyon2006 commented 4 years ago

I'm working on it. There are previous versions of optifine that work, just not the latest. I don't think forge microblocks had the same issue as me

Anyone have an exact version number that worked?

JohnB17 commented 4 years ago

I installed a huge pack of mods and it included Optifine, I have no need for Optifine so I just deleted it and now the mod works fine! (I had Optifine E3)

ggezgaming commented 3 years ago

Welp this issue will always be here

Will306 commented 3 years ago

you just need to install an old version of the mod for it to work correctly with optifine here is the link https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/secretroomsmod/download/2499930

YeImdedInlife commented 3 years ago

Well I have a good pc so deleting optifine is no problem for me so do what the guy that is above me saying if you have a bad pc

Hrtlss commented 3 years ago

Well I have a good pc so deleting optifine is no problem for me so do what the guy that is above me saying if you have a bad pc

The mod is focused on online play and creating secret rooms. If that secrecy can be broken simply by installing a, well known and used by many, mod, then it fails its core purpose. Me deleting optifine is not gonna fix its usage by other players unless you really are trying to tell me to somehow ban optifine from a server. Either way the 1.12.2 version of this mod is getting rewritten. It might fix the optifine problem

ShadowRocks2 commented 2 years ago

if anyone here is wondering, i have tested every version of 1.12.2, optifine doesnt effect version 5.4.0 and below so use those versions

Ironthorn567 commented 2 years ago

in my personal experience i know that changing one of the opti-fine video setting fixes this issue, although i can't remember which video setting it was.

DJsushi commented 1 year ago

in my personal experience i know that changing one of the opti-fine video setting fixes this issue, although i can't remember which video setting it was.

Could you please check if you have time? I can't find it.

ShadowRocks2 commented 1 year ago

in my personal experience i know that changing one of the opti-fine video setting fixes this issue, although i can't remember which video setting it was.

Could you please check if you have time? I can't find it.

setting no longer works on current versions or atleast on amd gpus

TheLiveWolf commented 1 year ago

Hi, if you are looking here to fix your issue AND you're playing on 1.12.2, well here's my solution. -Download optifine (any version)

-Download SecretRoomsMod (5.4.0 or below) --Direct download link: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/secretroomsmod/download/2537890

Instead of showing a texture of stone blocks, it will show the right ones. Hope it helped someone ^^