AbsaOSS / login-service

AbsaOSS Common Login gateway using JWT Public key signatures
Apache License 2.0
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Make a list of auth providers customisable via config #28

Closed jakipatryk closed 1 year ago

jakipatryk commented 1 year ago


Different deployments of LS might have a different set of authentication providers or even their order (for example, one instance might have only Kerberos AD auth and another LDAP AD, Kerberos AD, and in-config).


Make the list of providers as well as their config customizable via config.


Currently, LS supports LDAP and in-config-defined set of users. But even if the user wants to use only one of these options, he has to set up both otherwise the app won't start (config classes look for config entries binding and fail if not found).

Perhaps the feature of config validation can be used for such a purpose?