Abstrct / Schemaverse

The Schemaverse is a space-based strategy game implemented entirely within a PostgreSQL database. Compete against other players using raw SQL commands to command your fleet. Or, if your PL/pgSQL-foo is strong, wield it to write AI and have your fleet command itself!
PostgreSQL License
356 stars 39 forks source link

Discovered Planet Issue #3

Closed Abstrct closed 14 years ago

Abstrct commented 14 years ago

Any time a new player discovers a planet found by another player already an error is thrown. This also causes the cron to spam error emails out.

Abstrct commented 14 years ago

Issue has been resolved. The discovered planets table was missing a column in the primary key. A check was also added to the discover planets method to make sure a planet was not discovered by the same user.