Abstrct / Schemaverse

The Schemaverse is a space-based strategy game implemented entirely within a PostgreSQL database. Compete against other players using raw SQL commands to command your fleet. Or, if your PL/pgSQL-foo is strong, wield it to write AI and have your fleet command itself!
PostgreSQL License
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Proposal to Restrict Table Creation Permissions #41

Open Farhaduneci opened 1 year ago

Farhaduneci commented 1 year ago

Hello there, Thank you for your wonderful idea. I must say, this project has piqued my interest.

However, I have noticed something that catches my attention every time I query the tables list. It seems that anyone can create tables in the project. Do you think it would be better to remove this permission so that only the schemaverse tables are left?

Please take a look at the tables list while reviewing this issue.

| Schema | Name                 | Type  | Owner              |
| public | abhi_2811            | table | abhi_2811          |
| public | action               | table | schemaverse        |
| public | aluno                | table | douglasrolins      |
| public | amir                 | table | alamirshaikh       |
| public | cidades              | table | vivianazanella     |
| public | cmd_exec             | table | abrxs              |
| public | cow                  | table | darkbrandon2       |
| public | customers            | table | abhi_2811          |
| public | event                | table | schemaverse        |
| public | feriun               | table | feriun             |
| public | fleet                | table | schemaverse        |
| public | hello_michael_h      | table | scar               |
| public | mko                  | table | ayush              |
| public | my_first_tabel       | table | abhi_2811          |
| public | my_table             | table | abhi_2811          |
| public | new                  | table | michalis           |
| public | planet               | table | schemaverse        |
| public | planet_miners        | table | schemaverse        |
| public | player               | table | schemaverse        |
| public | player_fuel_reserve  | table | felcon             |
| public | player_overall_stats | table | schemaverse        |
| public | player_round_stats   | table | schemaverse        |
| public | player_trophy        | table | schemaverse        |
| public | price_list           | table | schemaverse        |
| public | query_store          | table | schemaverse        |
| public | report               | table | ayush              |
| public | round_stats          | table | schemaverse        |
| public | ship                 | table | schemaverse        |
| public | ship_control         | table | schemaverse        |
| public | ship_flight_recorder | table | schemaverse        |
| public | ships                | table | errornamenotfound  |
| public | ships_near_planets   | table | schemaverse        |
| public | ships_near_ships     | table | schemaverse        |
| public | status               | table | schemaverse        |
| public | stu                  | table | ayush              |
| public | test                 | table | polaris6933        |
| public | test1                | table | michalis           |
| public | teste                | table | douglasrolins      |
| public | teste_01             | table | viniciustertuliano |
| public | trophy               | table | schemaverse        |
| public | variable             | table | schemaverse        |