AbtaheeAli / assignments

Assignments for Suncoast Developers Guild
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04 - 02 - API Client #14

Closed AbtaheeAli closed 4 years ago

AbtaheeAli commented 4 years ago

In this project, you will practice accessing an API. You'll see how an API request is made from code, and see how data is returned from an API.


Explorer Mode

API Documentation
Dogs https://dog.ceo/dog-api/
Studio Ghibli https://ghibliapi.herokuapp.com/#tag/Films
Open Brewery https://www.openbrewerydb.org/
Recipes http://www.recipepuppy.com/about/api/
Deck of Cards! http://deckofcardsapi.com/
Geocode https://geocode.xyz/api
Jobs https://jobs.github.com/api
Lyrics https://lyricsovh.docs.apiary.io/#reference
Quotes https://pprathameshmore.github.io/QuoteGarden/
SpaceX https://docs.spacexdata.com/?version=latest
Jokes https://github.com/15Dkatz/official_joke_api

Adventure Mode

Build a command line link shortening tool using this API: https://rel.ink/

Determine for yourself how you would like the tool to work, what the output would look like, etc.

Epic Mode

Use the site Mockaroo to create a mock API. You may need an account and then learn how their "Mock API" feature works.

Once you have created your Mock API for whatever schema you wish, implement a client application to work with it.

AbtaheeAli commented 4 years ago


AbtaheeAli commented 4 years ago

Your homework 04 - 02 - API Client was marked: Exceeds Expectations



gstark commented 4 years ago

Very nice work!