AbtaheeAli / assignments

Assignments for Suncoast Developers Guild
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06 - 02 - Iteration in JavaScript #22

Closed AbtaheeAli closed 4 years ago

AbtaheeAli commented 4 years ago


After completing this assignment, you should be able to:


  1. Fork this repository to your own account.
  2. Change into your projects directory:
  3. Clone your repository: hub clone js-iteration
  4. Change into your project's directory: cd js-iteration
  5. Install the dependencies: yarn install (or just yarn for short)
  6. Open in your editor]
  7. Start the test runner: yarn test
  8. Open src/functions.test.js and work on functions until tests pass.
  9. Commit and push your work to GitHub.
  10. Turn in the URL to your GitHub repo.

Explorer Mode

Epic Mode

Additional Resources

Reference the documentation on DevDocs to find what kind of helpful functions might already be in JavaScript.

AbtaheeAli commented 4 years ago


AbtaheeAli commented 4 years ago

Your homework 06 - 02 - Iteration in JavaScript was marked: Meets Expectations