Abu3safeer / ngPost-bulk

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The tool works now but can you make one nzb for all files that was uploaded from a folder ? #1

Open DEVUVO opened 3 weeks ago

DEVUVO commented 3 weeks ago

The tool works now but can you make one nzb for all files that was uploaded from a folder ?

Ya basha , nitwasel m3ak ezay ? IRC ? DISCORD ?

Abu3safeer commented 3 weeks ago

تستطيع رفع جميع الملفات بداخل ملف nzb واحد بسهولة باستخدام امر Ngpost العادي

هذا ملف batch فيه امر يرفع المجلد كامل

@echo off

for %%f in ("files\*") do (
    echo Processing file %%~nxf...
    "ngPostv4.16.1_x64\ngPost.exe" -i "files\%%~nxf" -o "nzb\%%~nxf.nzb" -c "ngPostv4.16.1_x64\ngPost.conf" --gen_par2

echo All files processed.