AbubakarBunamay / moraveil

Level Based, Cave Exploration game to find the map by solving memory puzzles and escape.
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Build 1.7 Issues ( 22nd Jan ) #28

Open AbubakarBunamay opened 5 months ago

AbubakarBunamay commented 5 months ago

Fill Your issues in here and be sure to use the template.

Be sure to also have fun

Amanihughes commented 5 months ago

Just as a quality of life suggestion. It would be nice to press 'Esc' to go back to the pause menu while in the settings section of the pause menu.

kentaurusq commented 5 months ago

Issue Title: Bottom of crystal disappears

Issue Description: Player moves around the room and the crystal seems to disappear and become transparent

Room/Environment: Crystal Room

Version: Build 1.7

Expected Behavior: Big crystal grows from the floor and is solid

Actual Behavior: Bottom of crystal seems to disappear and become transparent depending on where the player moves.



Amanihughes commented 5 months ago

The cursor speed may be too fast for all players. A sensitivity slider would be nice.

kentaurusq commented 5 months ago

Issue Title: Crouch Spam to Enter

Issue Description: Player is able to clip through this tiny hole by running against it and spamming crouch to enter this room, moving to a cliff that the player can jump and fall off the world.

Room/Environment: Water and crystal room

Version: Build 1.7



kentaurusq commented 5 months ago

Issue Title: Clipping through crystals

Issue Description: Running around this room and the player is able to run through the crystals as if they were not there

Room/Environment: Crystal Room

Version: Build 1.7

Expected Behavior: Crystal is solid



Samuelbly commented 5 months ago

Title: Hole in Cave

Issue Description: The player is able to see outside of the cave.

Room/Environment: Water and crystal room

Version: Build 1.7



Samuelbly commented 5 months ago

Title: Spiderman

Issue Description:

The player is able to climb on walls. in order to do this you need to hold shift and stand next to a wall while you do this.

Version: Build 1.7



Amanihughes commented 5 months ago

Title: Floating objects

Issue Description: The player can see and clip through these floating objects.

Room/Environment: Water and crystal room

Version: Build 1.7

Screenshots/Attachments: image

Samuelbly commented 5 months ago

Title: Crouch speed fall

Issue Description:

when crouching going down from mushrooms is extremely quick and it becomes hard and clunky when going down.

Version: Build 1.7



raemcn commented 5 months ago

https://github.com/AbubakarBunamay/moraveil/issues/8 is still a major issue (especially on mushrooms),,,, but is not just when crouching like stated below by Sam.

Title: Crouch speed fall

Issue Description:

when crouching going down from mushrooms is extremely quick and it becomes hard and clunky when going down.

Version: Build 1.7



Amanihughes commented 5 months ago

Title: Wall climb

Issue Description: When in the water and crystal room, you can scale up the wall by spamming jump.

Version: Build 1.7



raemcn commented 5 months ago

Issue Title: Stun Vignette

Issue Description: when the player is stunned, the screen does not go fully black, instead leaving an oval you can still see through. You also cannot tell the difference between it and the flashlight.

Room/Environment: all

Reproduction Steps: sprint and jump around until you become stunned

Expected Behavior: screen should become fully black

Actual Behavior: can still see when stunned image

Other Notes: I really like how the grain looks!!! I think maybe it should start sooner? maybe be more of a lead up to the vignette starting? Also possibility-- turning the vignette grey?

guacemoly commented 5 months ago

Issue Title: Player is able to go out of bounds through the cave hole

Issue Description: I played up until the crystal room, hit escape and clicked restart, once I restarted, I was able to double jump into the hole you "fall" in from. I can leave the map and walk around it in its entirety

Severity: Critical

Room/Environment: Beginning room where you spawn in

Version: Build 1.7 (January 22, 2024 build)

Reproduction Steps:

  1. Go all the way to the crystal room
  2. Hit escape
  3. You will be resent to the starting room
  4. You're at level with a hole in the wall that is not meant to be there. It casts a red light inside. You can see extra bush prefabs floating in mid air
  5. Double jump out of the hole. You may need to get close to the wall on the right of the hole to do this
  6. Walk around ...

Expected Behavior: There is not meant to be a hole on the side of the wall, it is meant to be pitch black in the room

Actual Behavior: There is a hole in the wall that you can double jump out of

Screenshots/Attachments: image image image image

raemcn commented 5 months ago

Issue Title: flashlight brightness

Issue Description: when using the flashlight in close range, the player's flashlight is too bright and is unable to see

Room/Environment: all

Reproduction Steps: sprint and jump around until you become stunned

Expected Behavior: player should be able to see, without being blinded

Actual Behavior: hard to see in the dark, but also somehow too bright in close quarters


raemcn commented 5 months ago

Issue Title: flashlight brightness

Issue Description: Player is able to jump out of pond

Room/Environment: Lilypad room exit

Reproduction Steps: walk across pond to walk out

Expected Behavior: player should have to restart from the beginning if they fall off the lily pads

Actual Behavior: player can jump out of the pond on their own without being on a higher spot (on lilypads)

raemcn commented 5 months ago

Issue Title: settigns save

Issue Description: settings dont save when you restart the game

Room/Environment: all

Reproduction Steps: start game (settings menu doesnt open in main menu) esc to pause open settings menu change settings (doesnt actually do anything yet) save settings (cant reset settings) restart game play pause settings menu

Expected Behavior: settings should save how i set them every time

Actual Behavior: settings are reset to defaults

Gubaimo commented 5 months ago

Issue Title. Optimization of the Main Menu

Issue Description. There is no clear transition between the main menu and the game itself.

Room/Environment. UI

Expected Behavior. The main menu contains the main elements of the game and is recognizable enough that the player recognizes the style and elements of the game at first glance. It needs to feel like a "milestone".

Gubaimo commented 5 months ago

Issue Title. Optimization of the Settings Menu

Issue Description. There are too many things to include in the settings menu and the overall panel is very large. Players need to search for the target function for a long time when using it.

Room/Environment. UI

Expected Behavior: Categorize various functions in the settings menu, such as screen, sound, and controls.

Gubaimo commented 5 months ago

Issue Title. Pause and Sound Feedback

Issue Description. When pressing pause and unpause, the game's sound effects and background sounds are paused abruptly.

Room/Environment. All

Expected Behavior. The game sound effects disappear more smoothly when the player pauses the game. When re-entering the game, sound effects will start looping again, such as breathing sounds.

Gubaimo commented 5 months ago

Issue Title. Do you really want to exit the exit menu?

Issue Description. The Pause menu overlaps with the Exit Inquiry window.

Room/Environment. All-UI

Room/Environment: All-UI -Use Esc to enter the Pause menu in Playing. -Select Quit -Use Esc again in the window that asks if you want to close it. The actual in-game behavior is that the screen stalls at the question window screen and loses the cursor, the game returns to the play screen and continues but the player is unable to take action. -After using Esc again, the Pause menu will appear and overlap with the exit window.

Expected Behavior. Esc may not be used or redefined while in the question window.

Gubaimo commented 5 months ago

Issue Title. Hearing Superman

Issue Description. Too many normal/running sound effects + future background music + ambient sound effects = ?

Room/Environment. All-UX

Room/Environment: All-UI I found this issue because I tried to get "feedback" on running while running. The footsteps are so small that they are hard to hear. If I would have 3 sound effects + various ambient sounds, wouldn't it be too noisy for the player?

Expected Behavior. We need to determine the "behavior" of the various sound effects.

Gubaimo commented 5 months ago

Issue Title. Frogs: (Ribbit)?

Issue Description. The character's viewpoint is low and high.

Room/Environment. All-UX

Actual Behavior. The floor should be invisible when standing normally... I guess?OrActual Behavior. Actually, this is only a problem when moving normally, but if you enter a pond... It's really like a frog's perspective (grinning).

Expected Behavior. Needs a visual height that matches the character's height. 屏幕截图 2024-01-25 152940 屏幕截图 2024-01-25 152933

Gubaimo commented 5 months ago

Issue Title. The Entity in the Water - Is it Me?

Issue Description. No sound feedback when character moves in a water environment

Room/Environment. All-UX

Actual Behavior. It should be due to the fact that the sound effects are not installed.

Expected Behavior. As a diver I was really looking forward to hearing the sound of falling water (?).

Gubaimo commented 5 months ago

Question Title Character Movement Speed

Issue Description The character's movement speed is too high when the character is walking, which causes the player to lose sight of the environment and run into obstacles. This means that the player will be forced to interrupt the experience by obstacles and will not be able to solve them during the game. Running speed and crouching speed need to be different from normal movement speed.

Room/Environment All/UX

Expected Behavio Close to real-world gaming experience.

Gubaimo commented 5 months ago

Question Title the consequences of falling into the water and the speed of the character in the water

Issue Description The effect of falling into water on a character is unknown. If the character can move in water, the movement speed can be slowed down and the character's breathing sound can be changed. The breathing sounds are proposed for the room after the giant mushroom. I can't even realize I'm in the water without maneuvering the character up a small slope. And the water flow would be modeled with some cut offs (probably due to ongoing construction). We don't have a swimming animation, but it would create atmosphere! Yay!

Room/Environment All/UX

屏幕截图 2024-01-29 130603 屏幕截图 2024-01-29 130802 屏幕截图 2024-01-29 130752

Expected Behavio The presence of water needs a little meaning.

Gubaimo commented 5 months ago

Issue Title. Entity seems to want to put me in a box!

Issue Description. No sound feedback when character moves in a water environment

Room/Environment. I'm not sure if it's all Entity or just one, but the problem was found in the room after Lilypads.

Reproduction Steps. Daze after encountering Entity. After the screen returns to normal there is a chance that a cylinder will appear in the field of view.

Actual Behavior.

屏幕截图 2024-01-29 124435

Expected Behavior. Normal view after the stun is over.

Gubaimo commented 5 months ago

Issue Title: Anomalous Calmness of Water

Issue Description: The water doesn't feel like it's flowing, can we fix this in some other way? (I'm here if you need me to do anything with AE)

Room/Environment: All/UX

Expected Behavior: Water flow with life can be seen in the game! Bring life to the game screen!