Issue Description:
When walking, the character's footsteps are heard and are in pace with walking. However, when the character runs, the footsteps sound the same with the same tempo.
Build 5
Reproduction Steps:
Walk forward
Listen to footsteps
Press 'Shift' to run
Expected Behavior:
The footsteps sound should speed up to match the character's movement.
Actual Behavior:
Footsteps stay the same in sound and in tempo.
Issue Title: Sounds of footsteps
Issue Description: When walking, the character's footsteps are heard and are in pace with walking. However, when the character runs, the footsteps sound the same with the same tempo.
Version: Build 5
Reproduction Steps: Walk forward Listen to footsteps Press 'Shift' to run Listen
Expected Behavior: The footsteps sound should speed up to match the character's movement.
Actual Behavior: Footsteps stay the same in sound and in tempo.