AbubakarBunamay / moraveil

Level Based, Cave Exploration game to find the map by solving memory puzzles and escape.
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Samuel Build 7.5 General QA #63

Open Samuelbly opened 9 months ago

Samuelbly commented 9 months ago

Issue Title: Floating yellow and green crystal

Issue Description: there is a floating crystal that when stared at close up it is not attached to anything

Severity: minor

Room/Environment: First room

Version: 7.5

Reproduction Steps: N/A

Expected Behavior:

The crystals should look attached to the rock

Actual Behavior:

the crystals are not attached to the rocks


Floating yellow crystal https://github.com/AbubakarBunamay/moraveil/assets/90357953/ee669335-921c-4303-b239-2ef89635d2d0

Floating green crystal https://github.com/AbubakarBunamay/moraveil/assets/90357953/3bf84ee5-f4d0-4b4d-99d6-30f454d59d8b

Samuelbly commented 9 months ago

Issue Title: Water hole

Issue Description:

there is a hole that is not covered where water looks like it should leak out

Severity: minor


Crystal Room

Version: 7.5

Reproduction Steps: N?A

Expected Behavior: there should be something to cover it

Actual Behavior:

there is a hole that looks like water should leak out



Samuelbly commented 9 months ago

Issue Title: Hole in rock

Issue Description:

there is a see though hole in a rock that does not look it should be there Severity: minor

Room/Environment: Crystal room

Version: 7.5

Reproduction Steps: N/A

Expected Behavior: the hole should not be there

Actual Behavior: the hole is there



Samuelbly commented 9 months ago

Issue Title: Mural can't stand up

Issue Description: when you stand at a certain spot in front of some of the murals you are not able to stand up until you leave a certain distance

Severity: Major

Room/Environment: Water room and Crystal room

Version: 7.5

Reproduction Steps:

This is a little weird to replicate this takes some trial and error, once you see a mural stand in front of it and press the crouch button if it does not work try either moving backwards very slightly or forwards slightly.

Expected Behavior:

The player should be able to crouch and stand up whenever they want.

Actual Behavior:

The player gets stuck and can't stand up.


Water room


Crystal room


Samuelbly commented 9 months ago

Issue Title: Wall running

Issue Description: When the player is in the water room they are able to run on the walls around the entire room

Severity: Minor

Room/Environment: Water room

Version: 7.5

Reproduction Steps: use the sprint button and run on the wall

Expected Behavior:

the player should not be able to run on the walls

Actual Behavior:

the player can run on the walls



Samuelbly commented 9 months ago

Issue Title: Mushroom in floor and rock

Issue Description: there is a mushroom in the first room that look like they are inside a rock in the floor

Severity: minor

Room/Environment: First room

Version: 7.5

Reproduction Steps: N/A

Expected Behavior:

the mushroom should not be inside the the floor and rock

Actual Behavior:

the mushroom is inside the floor and rock



Samuelbly commented 9 months ago

Issue Title: dialogue trigger weird

Issue Description:

Dialogue triggers when the player stands on a certain spot looking at a rock

Severity: minor

Room/Environment: crystal

Version: 7.5

Reproduction Steps: stand in front of the purple crystal and walk back a few steps

Expected Behavior: dialogue should be in front of the mural

Actual Behavior:

dialogue is in triggered when looking at the rock



Samuelbly commented 9 months ago

Issue Title: entity standing still

Issue Description: Entitys when you look at them and stand still they also stand still

Severity: minor

Room/Environment: First room

Version: 7.5

Reproduction Steps: look at the entities and don't move

Expected Behavior: entities should be able should attack you when even when you stand still

Actual Behavior: entities stand still

Screenshots/Attachments: https://github.com/AbubakarBunamay/moraveil/assets/90357953/caa22a08-02aa-42f0-9a7e-03fc2b97a6a6

Samuelbly commented 9 months ago

Issue Title: floating blue crystal

Issue Description:

there is a crystal floating not attached to a rock

Severity: minor

Room/Environment: water room

Version: 7.5

Reproduction Steps: N/a

Expected Behavior: crystal should be on a rock

Actual Behavior:

crystal is floating



Samuelbly commented 9 months ago

Issue Title: Jumping in air

Issue Description: player when sprinting can jump in the air when running on a surface

Severity: minor

Room/Environment: all rooms discovered in crystal room

Version: 7.5

Reproduction Steps: run off a ledge but do not jump as soon as you run completely off the edge then jump.

Expected Behavior: player should not be able to jump while in air

Actual Behavior:

player can jump in the air

Screenshots/Attachments: https://github.com/AbubakarBunamay/moraveil/assets/90357953/653665ba-f30e-4169-8b09-74b5b4282729

Samuelbly commented 9 months ago

Issue Title: Door floor clipping

Issue Description: The player is able to crouch and clip through the ground

Severity: minor

Room/Environment: water room

Version: 7.5

Reproduction Steps: N/A

Expected Behavior: player should not clip through the ground

Actual Behavior: player clips through the ground

Screenshots/Attachments: https://github.com/AbubakarBunamay/moraveil/assets/90357953/0e2c980b-8183-4d27-ba9e-3c7b2feda6fc