Academy-Sept-22 / CoduraWise

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In order to be able to collaborate #18

Open Matt-Warnock opened 1 year ago

Matt-Warnock commented 1 year ago

In order to be able to collaborate As a Software Craftsperson I would like to login to the service

Scenario: The SC does a first time login Given: The SC has a Codurance E-Mail address  And: has never logged in into CoduraWise When: They navigate to the website URL Then: The Login Page is displayed And: Clicks the login button on the Login page And: Accepts the Google Authorisation Then: The Profile Form is displayed

Scenario: The SC does a second time login Given: The SC has a Codurance E-Mail address  And: has already logged in into CoduraWise And: has already filled their profile And: the login expiration period did not passed When: They navigate to the website URL Then: The Home page is displayed

Scenario: The SC does a second time login after login expiration Given: The SC has a Codurance E-Mail address  And: has already logged in into CoduraWise And: has already filled their profile When: They navigate to the website URL Then: The Login page is displayed

Scenario: The SC can't obtain Google Authorization Given: The SC has a Codurance E-Mail address  And: has not yet logged in into CoduraWise When: They navigate to the website URL Then: The Login page is displayed When: Clicks the login button on the Login page And: Cannot provide Google Authorisation Then: An error message is displayed informing that they have to provide Google Authorization to be able to Login