AcademySoftwareFoundation / MaterialX

MaterialX is an open standard for the exchange of rich material and look-development content across applications and renderers.
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Proposal : Support JSON serialization #1500

Closed kwokcb closed 5 months ago

kwokcb commented 1 year ago


This is an initial "strawman" proposal for including JSON serialization support as part of the core of MaterialX. A suitable library would probably be MaterialXFormat where XML serialization exists.

Reasons for JSON vs XML

Implementation Notes

Base Requirements


This are some examples with possible format (based on prototyping)

Marble Example (XML) ```xml ```
Marble Example (JSON) ```JSON { "materialx": { "colorspace": "lin_rec709", "nodegraph:NG_marble1": { "add:bias": { "input:in1": { "nodename": "scale", "type": "float" }, "input:in2": { "type": "float", "value": "0.5" }, "type": "float" }, "add:sum": { "input:in1": { "nodename": "scale_xyz", "type": "float" }, "input:in2": { "nodename": "scale_noise", "type": "float" }, "type": "float" }, "dotproduct:add_xyz": { "input:in1": { "nodename": "obj_pos", "type": "vector3" }, "input:in2": { "type": "vector3", "value": "1, 1, 1" }, "type": "float" }, "fractal3d:noise": { "input:octaves": { "interfacename": "noise_octaves", "type": "integer" }, "input:position": { "nodename": "scale_pos", "type": "vector3" }, "type": "float" }, "input:base_color_1": { "type": "color3", "uifolder": "Marble Color", "uiname": "Color 1", "value": "0.8, 0.8, 0.8" }, "input:base_color_2": { "type": "color3", "uifolder": "Marble Color", "uiname": "Color 2", "value": "0.1, 0.1, 0.3" }, "input:noise_octaves": { "type": "integer", "uifolder": "Marble Noise", "uiname": "Octaves", "uisoftmax": "8", "uisoftmin": "1", "value": "3" }, "input:noise_power": { "type": "float", "uifolder": "Marble Noise", "uiname": "Power", "uisoftmax": "10.0", "uisoftmin": "1.0", "value": "3.0" }, "input:noise_scale_1": { "type": "float", "uifolder": "Marble Noise", "uiname": "Scale 1", "uisoftmax": "10.0", "uisoftmin": "1.0", "value": "6.0" }, "input:noise_scale_2": { "type": "float", "uifolder": "Marble Noise", "uiname": "Scale 2", "uisoftmax": "10.0", "uisoftmin": "1.0", "value": "4.0" }, "mix:color_mix": { "input:bg": { "interfacename": "base_color_1", "type": "color3" }, "input:fg": { "interfacename": "base_color_2", "type": "color3" }, "input:mix": { "nodename": "power", "type": "float" }, "type": "color3" }, "multiply:scale": { "input:in1": { "nodename": "sin", "type": "float" }, "input:in2": { "type": "float", "value": "0.5" }, "type": "float" }, "multiply:scale_noise": { "input:in1": { "nodename": "noise", "type": "float" }, "input:in2": { "type": "float", "value": "3.0" }, "type": "float" }, "multiply:scale_pos": { "input:in1": { "nodename": "obj_pos", "type": "vector3" }, "input:in2": { "interfacename": "noise_scale_2", "type": "float" }, "type": "vector3" }, "multiply:scale_xyz": { "input:in1": { "nodename": "add_xyz", "type": "float" }, "input:in2": { "interfacename": "noise_scale_1", "type": "float" }, "type": "float" }, "output:out": { "nodename": "color_mix", "type": "color3" }, "position:obj_pos": { "type": "vector3" }, "power:power": { "input:in1": { "nodename": "bias", "type": "float" }, "input:in2": { "interfacename": "noise_power", "type": "float" }, "type": "float" }, "sin:sin": { "input:in": { "nodename": "sum", "type": "float" }, "type": "float" } }, "standard_surface:SR_marble1": { "input:base": { "type": "float", "value": "1" }, "input:base_color": { "nodegraph": "NG_marble1", "output": "out", "type": "color3" }, "input:specular_roughness": { "type": "float", "value": "0.1" }, "input:subsurface": { "type": "float", "value": "0.4" }, "input:subsurface_color": { "nodegraph": "NG_marble1", "output": "out", "type": "color3" }, "type": "surfaceshader", "xpos": "13.768116", "ypos": "-0.672414" }, "surfacematerial:Marble_3D": { "input:surfaceshader": { "nodename": "SR_marble1", "type": "surfaceshader" }, "type": "material", "xpos": "17.391304", "ypos": "0.000000" }, "version": "1.38" }, "mimetype": "application/mtlx+json" } ```
glTF "Olives" Sample Library (XML) ```xml ```

This shows a potential target for integration which would be inclusion as part of a GLTF document

glTF "Olives" Sample Library (GLTF) ```JSON { "asset": { "copyright": "Copyright 2022-2023: Bernard Kwok", "generator": "glTF_MaterialX generator: MaterialX 1.38.8 to glTF 2.0 .", "version": "2.0" }, "images": [ { "name": "image_basecolor2", "uri": "goldleaf_col.png" }, { "name": "image_orm3", "uri": "goldleaf_orm.png" }, { "name": "image_normal3", "uri": "goldleaf_nrm.png" }, { "name": "image_basecolor", "uri": "olives_col.png" }, { "name": "image_orm", "uri": "olives_orm.png" }, { "name": "image_normal", "uri": "olives_nrm.png" }, { "name": "image_occlusion", "uri": "goldleaf_orm.png" }, { "name": "image_iridescence", "uri": "glassdish_irid.png" }, { "name": "image_iridescence_thickness", "uri": "glassdish_irid.png" }, { "name": "image_orm2", "uri": "glasscover_orm.png" }, { "name": "image_normal2", "uri": "glasscover_nrm.png" }, { "name": "image_iridescence2", "uri": "glasscover_irid.png" }, { "name": "image_iridescence_thickness2", "uri": "glasscover_irid.png" } ], "materials": [ { "name": "SHD_goldLeaf", "pbrMetallicRoughness": { "baseColorTexture": { "index": 0 }, "metallicRoughnessTexture": { "index": 1 } }, "extensions": { "KHR_materials_clearcoat": { }, "KHR_materials_ior": { }, "KHR_materials_specular": { }, "KHR_materials_transmission": { }, "KHR_materials_sheen": { }, "KHR_materials_emissive_strength": { }, "KHR_materials_iridescence": { } }, "occlusionTexture": { "index": 1, "scale": 0 }, "alphaMode": "MASK" }, { "name": "SHD_olives", "pbrMetallicRoughness": { "baseColorTexture": { "index": 3 }, "metallicRoughnessTexture": { "index": 4 } }, "extensions": { "KHR_materials_clearcoat": { }, "KHR_materials_ior": { }, "KHR_materials_specular": { }, "KHR_materials_transmission": { }, "KHR_materials_sheen": { }, "KHR_materials_emissive_strength": { }, "KHR_materials_iridescence": { } }, "occlusionTexture": { "index": 4, "scale": 0 } }, { "name": "SHD_glassDish", "pbrMetallicRoughness": { "metallicFactor": 0, "roughnessFactor": 0.0700000003 }, "extensions": { "KHR_materials_clearcoat": { }, "KHR_materials_ior": { }, "KHR_materials_specular": { }, "KHR_materials_transmission": { "transmissionFactor": 1 }, "KHR_materials_sheen": { }, "KHR_materials_emissive_strength": { }, "KHR_materials_iridescence": { "iridescenceFactor": 1, "iridescenceTexture": { "index": 7, "scale": 0 }, "iridescenceThicknessMinimum": 500, "iridescenceThicknessMaximum": 550, "iridescenceThicknessTexture": { "index": 8 } } }, "occlusionTexture": { "index": 6, "scale": 0 } }, { "name": "SHD_glassCover", "pbrMetallicRoughness": { "metallicRoughnessTexture": { "index": 9 } }, "extensions": { "KHR_materials_clearcoat": { }, "KHR_materials_ior": { }, "KHR_materials_specular": { }, "KHR_materials_transmission": { "transmissionFactor": 1 }, "KHR_materials_sheen": { }, "KHR_materials_emissive_strength": { }, "KHR_materials_iridescence": { "iridescenceFactor": 1, "iridescenceTexture": { "index": 11, "scale": 0 }, "iridescenceThicknessMinimum": 500, "iridescenceThicknessMaximum": 550, "iridescenceThicknessTexture": { "index": 12 } } }, "occlusionTexture": { "index": 9, "scale": 0 } } ], "textures": [ { "name": "image_basecolor2", "source": 0 }, { "name": "image_orm3", "source": 1 }, { "name": "image_normal3", "source": 2 }, { "name": "image_basecolor", "source": 3 }, { "name": "image_orm", "source": 4 }, { "name": "image_normal", "source": 5 }, { "name": "image_occlusion", "source": 6 }, { "name": "image_iridescence", "source": 7 }, { "name": "image_iridescence_thickness", "source": 8 }, { "name": "image_orm2", "source": 9 }, { "name": "image_normal2", "source": 10 }, { "name": "image_iridescence2", "source": 11 }, { "name": "image_iridescence_thickness2", "source": 12 } ], "extensionsUsed": [ "KHR_materials_clearcoat", "KHR_materials_ior", "KHR_materials_specular", "KHR_materials_transmission", "KHR_materials_sheen", "KHR_materials_emissive_strength", "KHR_materials_iridescence" ] } ```
glTF "Olives" Sample Library (JSON) ```JSON { "materialx": { "colorspace": "lin_rec709", "nodegraph:NG_marble1": { "add:bias": { "input:in1": { "nodename": "scale", "type": "float" }, "input:in2": { "type": "float", "value": "0.5" }, "type": "float" }, "add:sum": { "input:in1": { "nodename": "scale_xyz", "type": "float" }, "input:in2": { "nodename": "scale_noise", "type": "float" }, "type": "float" }, "dotproduct:add_xyz": { "input:in1": { "nodename": "obj_pos", "type": "vector3" }, "input:in2": { "type": "vector3", "value": "1, 1, 1" }, "type": "float" }, "fractal3d:noise": { "input:octaves": { "interfacename": "noise_octaves", "type": "integer" }, "input:position": { "nodename": "scale_pos", "type": "vector3" }, "type": "float" }, "input:base_color_1": { "type": "color3", "uifolder": "Marble Color", "uiname": "Color 1", "value": "0.8, 0.8, 0.8" }, "input:base_color_2": { "type": "color3", "uifolder": "Marble Color", "uiname": "Color 2", "value": "0.1, 0.1, 0.3" }, "input:noise_octaves": { "type": "integer", "uifolder": "Marble Noise", "uiname": "Octaves", "uisoftmax": "8", "uisoftmin": "1", "value": "3" }, "input:noise_power": { "type": "float", "uifolder": "Marble Noise", "uiname": "Power", "uisoftmax": "10.0", "uisoftmin": "1.0", "value": "3.0" }, "input:noise_scale_1": { "type": "float", "uifolder": "Marble Noise", "uiname": "Scale 1", "uisoftmax": "10.0", "uisoftmin": "1.0", "value": "6.0" }, "input:noise_scale_2": { "type": "float", "uifolder": "Marble Noise", "uiname": "Scale 2", "uisoftmax": "10.0", "uisoftmin": "1.0", "value": "4.0" }, "mix:color_mix": { "input:bg": { "interfacename": "base_color_1", "type": "color3" }, "input:fg": { "interfacename": "base_color_2", "type": "color3" }, "input:mix": { "nodename": "power", "type": "float" }, "type": "color3" }, "multiply:scale": { "input:in1": { "nodename": "sin", "type": "float" }, "input:in2": { "type": "float", "value": "0.5" }, "type": "float" }, "multiply:scale_noise": { "input:in1": { "nodename": "noise", "type": "float" }, "input:in2": { "type": "float", "value": "3.0" }, "type": "float" }, "multiply:scale_pos": { "input:in1": { "nodename": "obj_pos", "type": "vector3" }, "input:in2": { "interfacename": "noise_scale_2", "type": "float" }, "type": "vector3" }, "multiply:scale_xyz": { "input:in1": { "nodename": "add_xyz", "type": "float" }, "input:in2": { "interfacename": "noise_scale_1", "type": "float" }, "type": "float" }, "output:out": { "nodename": "color_mix", "type": "color3" }, "position:obj_pos": { "type": "vector3" }, "power:power": { "input:in1": { "nodename": "bias", "type": "float" }, "input:in2": { "interfacename": "noise_power", "type": "float" }, "type": "float" }, "sin:sin": { "input:in": { "nodename": "sum", "type": "float" }, "type": "float" } }, "standard_surface:SR_marble1": { "input:base": { "type": "float", "value": "1" }, "input:base_color": { "nodegraph": "NG_marble1", "output": "out", "type": "color3" }, "input:specular_roughness": { "type": "float", "value": "0.1" }, "input:subsurface": { "type": "float", "value": "0.4" }, "input:subsurface_color": { "nodegraph": "NG_marble1", "output": "out", "type": "color3" }, "type": "surfaceshader", "xpos": "13.768116", "ypos": "-0.672414" }, "surfacematerial:Marble_3D": { "input:surfaceshader": { "nodename": "SR_marble1", "type": "surfaceshader" }, "type": "material", "xpos": "17.391304", "ypos": "0.000000" }, "version": "1.38" }, "mimetype": "application/mtlx+json" } ```
jstone-lucasfilm commented 1 year ago

This is a great topic for discussion, @kwokcb, and thanks for getting it started!

It may be user error on my own part, but when I compare the character count of the two representations of your example in Sublime Text I get 3581 characters for XML and 5062 characters for JSON, which seems comparable to the results we've seen in earlier tests.

Am I miscounting or misunderstanding what I should expect?

kwokcb commented 1 year ago

Hi @jstone-lucasfilm, The examples are the default formatting so yes they are larger. It's all the whitespace padding added. There are a few possible options available:

  1. Instead of whitespace use tabs. This is still slightly a but larger. This is a built in option for the lib is used.
  2. Put all attributes on the same line w/o white space inbetween. This is about the same size.
  3. Don't add whitespace. This appears smaller in general but hard to read.

Or a custom string serializer which handles each JSON element. I haven't tried this but would mean you don't really need to use a external library to produce JSON (nlohmann json was tested).

jstone-lucasfilm commented 1 year ago

@kwokcb I think you're right to use default formatting here, and I'm not implying that we should additionally compress either XML or JSON files by removing whitespace or switching to tabs, but it's worth noting that the JSON files are larger than their XML equivalents. This isn't a deal breaker for the idea of supporting JSON as an alternative format, but it matches the results that we saw in earlier tests of this idea.

kwokcb commented 1 year ago

I think even for readability it would be good to make it more compact (as with XML) so you JSON you get something like:

  "add:sum": {
      "input:in1": { "nodename": "scale_xyz", "type": "float" },
      "input:in2": { "nodename": "scale_noise", "type": "float" }, 
      "type": "float"
    <add name="sum" type="float">
      <input name="in1" type="float" nodename="scale_xyz" />
      <input name="in2" type="float" nodename="scale_noise" />
kwokcb commented 1 year ago

Looking at the three.js prototype implementation which consumes XML currently:

  1. Some glsl code is copied from MTLX to create a new shadernodes which are not already defined.
  2. Higher level nodes are written in javascript using MTLX and non-MTLX nodes.
  3. The custom MaterialX loader (MaterialXLoader) parses MTLX files using an XML serializer, and creates a node dictionary (for lookup to perform links for instance).
  4. The parser performs a recursive top down traversal on parent child nodes / attributes. Pretty well the same as what's done for the MTLX XML parser, and what is done in the prototype JSON parser
  5. It will map a std surface node roughly to gltf pbr node.
  6. Connections are formed by parsing a string link (in MTLX) to a binary link in Javascript. (it's not adding args or anything like that as is done in the NVIDIA proposal). Multi-outputs are supported but I think it's just access the output data member.
  7. String file names are directly supported to create transforms and texture lookups. It also handles color space.
jstone-lucasfilm commented 5 months ago

From the discussion above, it sounds like we should continue to focus on MTLX files within the MaterialX project, with the expectation that external projects will make different choices for serialization and deserialization of MaterialX content (e.g. USDA, JSON).

I'll go ahead and close out this issue for now, but feel free to bring this discussion back if needed in the future.

fire commented 5 months ago

For reference this was implemented in