AcademySoftwareFoundation / MaterialX

MaterialX is an open standard for the exchange of rich material and look-development content across applications and renderers.
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Desktop entries and mime types for MaterialX Graph Editor and View #1627

Closed giandex closed 8 months ago

giandex commented 8 months ago

Hi, I apologize if this is the wrong place for my question, I'm not expert with the github environment. I'm going to be the maintainer of MaterialX for Slackware, the slackbuild for build and install the package is almost ready, I have to do some tweaks and add support for some extensions (e.g. OpenImageIO). At the moment the installation including the graphical interfaces and python bindings seems works fine and I think that the slackbuild will be available soon in, the repository of the software not included in the official Slackware releases.

I have a little problem. I made the desktop entries for the graphical interfaces but I'm not able to set the correct values for the [mimetype] key because I'm not expert in this subject. The values that I tried to add seem no working. Could help me to set the correct values?

These are the codes:

MaterialXView.desktop ` [Desktop Entry] Type=Application Name=MaterialXGView GenericName=MaterialX Viewer GenericName[de]=MaterialX Viewer GenericName[es]=Visor de MaterialX GenericName[fr]=Visionneuse de MaterialX GenericName[it]=Visualizzatore di MaterialX GenericName[pt]=Visualizador de MaterialX Comment=Interface for viewing GLSL shaders for MaterialX Comment[de]=Schnittstelle zum Anzeigen von GLSL-Shadern für MaterialX Comment[es]=Interfaz para ver sombreadores GLSL para MaterialX Comment[fr]=Interface de visualisation des shaders GLSL pour MaterialX Comment[it]=Interfaccia per la visualizzazione di ombreggiatori GLSL per MaterialX Comment[pt]=Interface para visualização de shaders GLSL para MaterialX Exec=MaterialXView %f Icon=/usr/share/icons/hicolor/256x256/apps/materialx.png Terminal=false Categories=Graphics; StartupNotify=true MimeType=application/x-mtlx;model/materialx;application/x-materialx;application/xml;image/mtlx+xml;

and MaterialX Graph Editor [Desktop Entry] Type=Application Name=MaterialXGraphEditor GenericName=MaterialX Graph Editor GenericName[de]=MaterialX Grafikeditor GenericName[es]=Editor de Gráficos MaterialX GenericName[fr]=Éditeur de Graphique MaterialX GenericName[it]=Editor di Grafica MaterialX GenericName[pt]=Editor Gráfico MaterialX Comment=MaterialX graphics processing interface Comment[de]=MaterialX Grafikverarbeitungsschnittstelle Comment[es]=Interfaz de procesamiento de gráficos MaterialX Comment[fr]=Interface de traitement de graphique MaterialX Comment[it]=Interfaccia per l'elaborazione di grafica MaterialX Comment[pt]=Interface de processamento gráfico MaterialX Exec=MaterialXGraphEditor %f Icon=/usr/share/icons/hicolor/256x256/apps/materialx.png Terminal=false Categories=Graphics; StartupNotify=true MimeType=application/x-mtlx;model/materialx;application/x-materialx;application/xml;text/mtlx+xml;image/mtlx;

` Thanks Giancarlo

jstone-lucasfilm commented 8 months ago

Good to meet you, @giandex, and one good forum for this question would be the MaterialX channel of the ASWF Slack, which is free to join:

There have been related question on that forum about the MaterialX filetype in the Apple ecosystem, and others in the MaterialX community may be able to point you in the right direction.

giandex commented 8 months ago

Thanks for the reply, @jstone-lucasfilm, I've posted the question in the suggested forum, waiting for a possible help I'll try anyway a solution myself throw the documentation about the mime type standards. I found also a build failure trying to add the support of OpenImageIO to MaterialX View, but before reporting the issue here I want to investigate the context better, because I'm not sure if it is generated by the build settings or the version of cmake used (3.28.1); cmake fails in a post build operation if I add explicitly a flag for the OIIO root directory (I think needed to activate a build condition). Without this flag MaterialX View cannot open files with OIIO support in runtime. I'll ve open a specific issue report when I've all elements. Thanks :-)

jstone-lucasfilm commented 8 months ago

Thanks for starting the discussion on the MaterialX channel of the ASWF Slack, @giandex, and I'll provide a link here:

In order to keep that discussion focused, I'll close out the original GitHub Issue, but feel free to post new issues to represent any proposed MaterialX improvements that arise from that thread.