AcademySoftwareFoundation / OpenPBR

Specification and reference implementation for the OpenPBR Surface shading model
Apache License 2.0
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UI disabling logic #232

Open portsmouth opened 1 month ago

portsmouth commented 1 month ago

Add section describing the "recommended logic needed to determine which of the parameters can be disabled".

This describes the parameters which can safely be disabled (e.g. their UI element greyed out) in the current configuration, according to which parts of the material graph are excised, which can be read off from the tree diagram.

This is given in the form of some fairly self-explanatory Python pseudocode, which is easier to understand and more concise than a wordy verbal description. (And probably translates quite easily into the corresponding UI code in whatever form each DCC implements it).

(All of the Arnold plugin integrations will implement such logic).



(NB, the wrong 4.18 numbering in the heading is an unrelated bug which we're trying to figure out).

portsmouth commented 1 month ago

Oops, that pseudocode is not legit Python. Will fix. (Fixed, and in comment above).

portsmouth commented 1 month ago

I also put together a Python script which will run the exact Python pseudocode given in the spec, and report which parameters should be disabled based on their current state. We could maybe ship this with the spec, to show how it might be done in a plugin? (Can be improved to make it a tiny Python API that could be slotted in, giving the enable state of all controls given the parameter values dict).


$ python scripts/
Non-default params
    specular_weight = 0.0
    transmission_weight = 1.0

=> Resulting enable state:
   base_color                              : **disabled**
   base_diffuse_roughness                  : **disabled**
   base_metalness                          : enabled
   base_weight                             : **disabled**
   coat_color                              : disabled
   coat_darkening                          : disabled
   coat_ior                                : disabled
   coat_roughness                          : disabled
   coat_roughness_anisotropy               : disabled
   coat_weight                             : enabled
   emission_color                          : enabled
   emission_luminance                      : enabled
   fuzz_color                              : disabled
   fuzz_roughness                          : disabled
   fuzz_weight                             : enabled
   geometry_opacity                        : enabled
   geometry_thin_walled                    : enabled
   specular_color                          : **disabled**
   specular_ior                            : **disabled**
   specular_roughness                      : **disabled**
   specular_roughness_anisotropy           : **disabled**
   specular_weight                         : enabled
   subsurface_color                        : disabled
   subsurface_radius                       : disabled
   subsurface_radius_scale                 : disabled
   subsurface_scatter_anisotropy           : disabled
   subsurface_weight                       : enabled
   thin_film_ior                           : disabled
   thin_film_thickness                     : disabled
   thin_film_weight                        : enabled
   transmission_color                      : **enabled**
   transmission_depth                      : **enabled**
   transmission_dispersion_abbe_number     : **enabled**
   transmission_dispersion_scale           : **enabled**
   transmission_scatter                    : **enabled**
   transmission_scatter_anisotropy         : **enabled**
   transmission_weight                     : enabled


openpbr_params = {

'base_weight' : 1.0,
'base_color' : (0.8, 0.8, 0.8),
'base_metalness' : 0.0,
'base_diffuse_roughness' : 0.0,
'specular_weight' : 1.0,
'specular_color' : (1.0, 1.0, 1.0),
'specular_roughness' : 0.3,
'specular_roughness_anisotropy' : 0.0,
'specular_ior' : 1.5,
'transmission_weight' : 0.0,
'transmission_color' : (1.0, 1.0, 1.0),
'transmission_depth' : 0.0,
'transmission_scatter' : (0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
'transmission_scatter_anisotropy' : 0.0,
'transmission_dispersion_scale' : 0.0,
'transmission_dispersion_abbe_number': 20.0,
'subsurface_weight' : 0.0,
'subsurface_color' : (0.8, 0.8, 0.8),
'subsurface_radius' : 1.0,
'subsurface_radius_scale' : (1.0, 0.5, 0.25),
'subsurface_scatter_anisotropy' : 0.0,
'coat_weight' : 0.0,
'coat_color' : (1.0, 1.0, 1.0),
'coat_roughness' : 0.0,
'coat_roughness_anisotropy' : 0.0,
'coat_ior' : 1.6,
'coat_darkening' : 1.0,
'fuzz_weight' : 0.0,
'fuzz_color' : (1.0, 1.0, 1.0),
'fuzz_roughness' : 0.5,
'emission_luminance' : 0.0,
'emission_color' : (1.0, 1.0, 1.0),
'thin_film_weight' : 0.0,
'thin_film_thickness' : 0.5,
'thin_film_ior' : 1.4,
'geometry_opacity' : 1.0,
'geometry_thin_walled' : False


def got_match(p, prefixes):
   if not prefixes: return False
   if not isinstance(prefixes, list): P = [prefixes]
   else:                          P = prefixes
   for prefix in P:
      if p.startswith(prefix):
         return True
   return False

def disable(P, skip=None):
   for p in openpbr_params:
      if got_match(p, P) and not got_match(p, skip):
         param_states[p] = False

param_states = {}

def ui_logic(openpbr_params):

   global param_states
   for P in openpbr_params:
      param_states[P] = True

   fuzz_weight          = openpbr_params['fuzz_weight']
   coat_weight          = openpbr_params['coat_weight']
   base_metalness       = openpbr_params['base_metalness']
   transmission_weight  = openpbr_params['transmission_weight']
   subsurface_weight    = openpbr_params['subsurface_weight']
   specular_weight      = openpbr_params['specular_weight']
   thin_film_weight     = openpbr_params['thin_film_weight']
   geometry_thin_walled = openpbr_params['geometry_thin_walled']

   # spec pseudo-code
   has_fuzz              = (fuzz_weight > 0.0)
   has_coat              = (coat_weight > 0.0)
   has_metal             = (base_metalness > 0.0)
   has_dielectric        = (base_metalness < 1.0)
   has_dielectric_transp = has_dielectric and (transmission_weight > 0.0)
   has_dielectric_opaque = has_dielectric and (transmission_weight < 1.0)
   has_subsurface        = has_dielectric_opaque and (subsurface_weight > 0.0)
   has_diffuse           = has_dielectric_opaque and (subsurface_weight < 1.0)

   if not has_fuzz:                                disable("fuzz", skip="fuzz_weight")
   if not has_coat:
                                                   disable("coat", skip="coat_weight")
   if not has_dielectric:                          disable("specular_ior")
   if not has_dielectric_transp:                   disable("transmission", skip="transmission_weight")
   if not has_dielectric_opaque and not has_metal: disable(["base_weight", "base_color"])
   if not has_subsurface:                          disable("subsurface", skip="subsurface_weight")
   if not has_diffuse:                             disable("base_diffuse_roughness")
   if (specular_weight == 0):                      disable("specular", skip="specular_weight")
   if (thin_film_weight == 0):                     disable("thin_film", skip="thin_film_weight")

   # In thin-walled mode, the volumetric medium is infinitesimally thin so the parameters controlling
   # the MFP of the medium are irrelevant
   if (geometry_thin_walled):
      disable("transmission", skip=["transmission_weight", "transmission_color"])
      disable("subsurface_radius") # (NB, also disables subsurface_radius_scale)

   return param_states

if __name__ == '__main__':

   openpbr_params_default = openpbr_params.copy()
   default_states = ui_logic(openpbr_params).copy()

   # Param modifications
   openpbr_params['specular_weight'] = 0.0
   openpbr_params['transmission_weight'] = 1.0

   # Print non-default params
   print("Non-default params")
   for P in openpbr_params:
      val         = openpbr_params[P]
      default_val = openpbr_params_default[P]
      if val != default_val:
         print('    %s = %s' % (P, val))

   # Run disabling logic
   param_states = ui_logic(openpbr_params)

   # Show resulting states, with non-default values highlighted
   print('\n=> Resulting enable state:')

   for P in sorted(openpbr_params.keys()):
      s = 'enabled' if param_states[P] else 'disabled'
      if param_states[P] != default_states[P]:
         s = '**' + s + '**'
      print("   {0:40}: {1}".format(P, s))