AcademySoftwareFoundation / OpenRV

Open source version of RV, the Sci-Tech award-winning media review and playback software.
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Make FFmpeg rebuild when configure options change #503

Open bernie-laberge opened 3 days ago

bernie-laberge commented 3 days ago

Make FFmpeg rebuild when configure options change

Linked issues


Summarize your change.

Make FFmpeg rebuild when configure options change Also fixed an inconsistency with the RV_FFMPEG_NON_FREE_DECODERS_TO_ENABLE documentation in

Describe the reason for the change.

In a previous commit was added the capability of adding non free FFmpeg decoders+encoders at configure time. However, there were 2 issues when re-configuring with different non free codec options after a build: the FFmpeg was not rebuilt, and if it was rebuilt, the new FFmpeg libs were not copied over the stage area. Both of these issues are solved in this commit.

Also in this commit: An inconsistency with the RV_FFMPEG_NON_FREE_DECODERS_TO_ENABLE/RV_FFMPEG_NON_FREE_ENCODERS_TO_ENABLE documentation in was fixed. (The was incorrectly documenting the previous names of the FFmpeg configure options.)

Describe what you have tested and on which operating system.

Successfully tested on macOS by alternating between the two following FFmpeg configure options:

rvcfg rvbuild Launch OpenRV Successfully validated that a clip with aac audio could NOT be loaded in OpenRV (aac audio is disabled by default) Successfully validated that an hevc clip could NOT be loaded in OpenRV (hevc is disabled by default)

rvcfg -DRV_FFMPEG_NON_FREE_DECODERS_TO_ENABLE="aac;hevc" rvbuild Launch OpenRV Successfully validated that a clip with aac audio could be loaded in OpenRV Successfully validated that an hevc clip could be loaded in OpenRV

rvcfg -DRV_FFMPEG_NON_FREE_DECODERS_TO_ENABLE="aac" rvbuild Launch OpenRV Successfully validated that a clip with aac audio could be loaded in OpenRV Successfully validated that an hevc clip could NOT be loaded in OpenRV

rvcfg -DRV_FFMPEG_NON_FREE_DECODERS_TO_ENABLE="" rvbuild Launch OpenRV Successfully validated that a clip with aac audio could NOT be loaded in OpenRV Successfully validated that an hevc clip could NOT be loaded in OpenRV

Add a list of changes, and note any that might need special attention during the review.

If possible, provide screenshots.