AcademySoftwareFoundation / OpenTimelineIO

Open Source API and interchange format for editorial timeline information.
Apache License 2.0
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otiotool --verify-ranges #1677

Open jminor opened 8 months ago

jminor commented 8 months ago

Feature Request


It would be really helpful if otiotool had a feature to scan all clips in a timeline and report if any have source_range which exceeds the available_range of media.


OTIO allows clips to use media outside the bounds of available media because some tools and workflows rely on this to serve as a request for new media (e.g. a new take, or new render) that is longer. However some tools don't support this case, and produce errors or incorrect playback, so it would be great if there was a quick way to check an OTIO for this situation.

See attached OTIO which has one clip (named "Clip #5") with an out-of-bounds source_range.