AcademySoftwareFoundation / OpenTimelineIO

Open Source API and interchange format for editorial timeline information.
Apache License 2.0
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timeline_widget breaks VFX Platform 2015 compatibility #289

Open dramyankee opened 5 years ago

dramyankee commented 5 years ago

With the update from PySide to PySide2 after beta version 0.7.1 the timeline widget is no longer compatible with VFX Platform 2015. Unfortunately we have not yet moved past 2015.

jminor commented 5 years ago

That's unfortunate. Can you check to see if switching to use works for you? We're not allowed to include in OTIO, but it should be pretty easy to try it out.

jminor commented 5 years ago

@dramyankee were you able to try as a workaround for this?

dramyankee commented 5 years ago

Hi @jminor, yes that worked for me. Perhaps adding a try/except around the PySide2 import which falls through to attempting to import from Qt may be added?

jminor commented 5 years ago

Oh good. Did you have to update all of the from PySide2 ... statements to from Qt ...?

dramyankee commented 5 years ago

That's correct.

melMass commented 5 years ago

@jminor may I ask the reason not to go with, it seems really suited to the project.

I'm planing on making a fork with if that's not planned by you guys, just waiting for a proper 1.0

DigitalDomain is working on an automatic converter here QtPyConvert

ssteinbach commented 5 years ago

@melMass this was the thread:

melMass commented 5 years ago

@ssteinbach Thanks Stephan, what are the legal concerns ? @mottosso might help

alatdneg commented 5 years ago

I've got the same problem no access to PySide2, I tried using but I get PySide.QtGui.QFontDatabase' has no attribute 'systemFont. I guess it's using something only suported in Qt5.

mottosso commented 5 years ago

We're not allowed to include in OTIO

Anything that could be changed in to enable this? Could issue the source under public domain, which is pretty much what MIT is already.

jminor commented 5 years ago

Let me ask our legal folks for clarification on why they don’t want us using

tokejepsen commented 4 years ago

@jminor any update from legal folks about using

mottosso commented 4 years ago

My understanding is that legal confused for PyQt (quite similar-sounding names, especially to the layman), which is under the GPL, and that they preferred to stick with PySide, which is LGPL, even though is under MIT (which is more permissive than both GPL and LGPL).

jminor commented 4 years ago

No, nothing on this subject has changed. Sorry. We can ask again after OTIO transitions to ASWF - that might change the equation, but I don't know.