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OpenFX effects API
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Deprecate MacOS-x86_64 install folder #138

Closed garyo closed 5 months ago

garyo commented 5 months ago

Open Effects Proposal for Standard Change

Please read the contribution guidelines first.

Standard Change Workflow

Requirements for accepting a standard change:


The spec currently specifies that plugins should be installed and found in two subfolders for MacOS:

ARCHITECTURE is the specific operating system architecture the plug-in was built for, these are currently…
MacOS - for Apple Macintosh OS X 32 bit and/or universal binaries
MacOS-x86-64 - for Apple Macintosh OS X, specifically on intel x86 CPUs running AMD’s 64 bit extensions. 64 bit host applications should check this first, and if it doesn’t exist or is empty, fall back to “MacOS” looking for a universal binary.

This is now out of date, since Macs have shipped with "arm64" CPUs for several years now. This text was written when MacOS was moving from PowerPC to Intel CPUs, a long time ago. "Universal binaries" now commonly include 64-bit Intel and 64-bit Arm binaries, not PowerPC.

This standard change proposes to deprecate the x86-64 folder, which few if any host applications even search anymore. All MacOS plugins should be in MacOS, and preferably should be universal binaries (whatever that means at any given point in time). There will not be a specific arm64 folder.

This is acceptable since MacOS supports multi-architecture binaries, so per-architecture subdirectories are not needed for a host application to find the proper architecture plugin. This proposal would prohibit a plugin from shipping a separate Intel and arm64 binaries (since the plugin .ofx file must always be named to match the top-level bundle name), but it should not be difficult for any plugin to merge multiple architectures into a single binary on MacOS.

What about Windows and Linux? They do not support universal binaries. Each .ofx file is for one architecture, so a host must check the proper subdir. Windows and Linux are already starting to ship arm64-based OS versions; no native arm64 OpenFX hosts are shipping on those OSes yet however. To support this, we propose to add the following text to the documentation:

Future Thoughts:

When Windows and/or Linux support alternative processor architectures such as arm64, hosts should look in appropriately-named subdirs for the proper .ofx plugin file. On Windows with arm64, Win-arm64 should be used (vs. current Win32 and Win64 which are Intel-specific). On Linux, hosts should look in the subdir named by Linux-${uname -m} which for arm64 should be Linux-aarch64. Using uname -m rather than a hard-coded list allows for any future architectures.


The current MacOS file location MacOS-x86_64 is out of date since the introduction of Arm-based ("Apple Silicon") Macs.


Proposes a back-compatible change to the spec to allow for current architectures, and prepare for future ones.


No host or plugin impact, unless a plugin is installing in MacOS-x86_64. Any such plugin should migrate to using MacOS and shipping all relevant binaries in a single universal binary.

If a plugin expects to be found in the wrong folder, the host will not find it and the plugin will not show up. A host could indicate that it did not load plugins in an unexpected folder such as MacOS-x86_64, in its log file.

Documentation Impact

What changes to the docs are needed for this change? The change is all in the doc (the spec).


All stakeholders shipping plugins on MacOS, and anyone who wants to ship on alternative architectures in the future, will benefit from this change.


john-paulsmith commented 5 months ago

The Windows ARM decision could be timely: DaVinci Resolve is adding native support for Windows on Arm.