AcademySoftwareFoundation / tac

Materials and meeting notes for the ASWF Technical Advisory Council (TAC)
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Operationalizing the TAC Roles plan #665

Closed jmertic closed 1 month ago

jmertic commented 2 months ago

Please share any additional details on this topic

As the TAC Roles plan was adopted by the TAC ( #663 ), I'd like work with the TAC on operationalizing this.

Detail what actions or feedback you would like from the TAC

Specific questions:

1) Election of a Vice Chair - can/should we start now? 2) Should we do the rotation at the end of this year as we do for other ASWF elected roles, or push it out a bit longer?

Open to the TAC on how to best move forward. Thanks!

How much time do you need for this topic?


jmertic commented 1 month ago

@jmertic to send out an email to solicit nominations.

jmertic commented 1 month ago

@lgritz nominated and approved as Vice Chair