AccelerateHS / accelerate

Embedded language for high-performance array computations
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Clean up the internal AST #213

Open tmcdonell opened 10 years ago

tmcdonell commented 10 years ago

Accelerate's internal AST has accrued some redundant terms in the AST over its lifetime, which might be good to consolidate.

rrnewton commented 10 years ago

Going to Generate definitely loses information wrt optimization, right? If the AST in the future supports "thinning" at some point, why not leave zipWith in for early optimization passes and lower it after that?

Re: Intersection semantics.... do we have applications that depend on those? APL style toroidal expansion would allow a proper Num instance for arrays, wouldn't it? What are the advantages of the intersection semantics? Does it help enable more transforms for Trafo?

Also, where exactly is the intersection behavior enforced? Whatever the source semantics of the Accelerate combinators it would be good if there were a point where the any conditional / intersection logic were made explicit in the AST so it could be optimized.

tmcdonell commented 10 years ago

I don't think converting to Generate limits the kinds of optimisations you can do. If you want to keep it around throughout fusion, then you need a special case just for it, because it is the only producer that has two source arrays. Internally, a ZipWith skeleton still had to convert a multidimensional index in the destination array into a linear index for each of the source arrays, because they may have been different shapes. So what was implicit in the skeleton of ZipWith is now lifted out and made explicit as part of the Generate. If the semantics were that we required the source arrays to be the same shape, then you could do the same linear indexing trick that Map does (and constant time zip).

I don't know if we have applications that critically depend on intersection semantics. I just think it matches the Prelude's behaviour of zipWith on lists. On the other hand, Repa requires the two sour arrays to be the same extent, else error.

Trafo explicitly inserts AST terms that compute the intersections.

ghci> A.zipWith (+) xs ys
let a0 = use (Array (Z :. 4 :. 2) [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7]) in
let a1 = use (Array (Z :. 2 :. 4) [2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9])
in generate (intersect (shape a0) (shape a1)) (\x0 -> (a0!x0) + (a1!x0))

The simplifier does indeed work to remove redundant intersections

ghci> let xs' = A.fill (constant (Z:.4:.4)) (constant 4) :: Acc (Array DIM2 Int)
ghci> let ys' = A.enumFromN (constant (Z:.4:.4)) (constant 0) :: Acc (Array DIM2 Int)
ghci> A.zipWith (+) xs' ys'
  (Z :. 4) :. 4
  (\x0 -> 4 + (fromIntegral (indexHead (fromIndex (Z :. shapeSize ((Z :. 4) :. 4))
                                                  (toIndex (Z :. 4) :. 4 x0)))))

(Although now that I look at this example, this could have been improved somewhat)

mchakravarty commented 9 years ago

Re zipWith, I think, it is good API design to stick to the semantics used in the Prelude. That's what Haskellers expect.

rrnewton commented 9 years ago

I personally feel like the intersection semantics of zip in the Prelude is just a source of silent failures / bugs, with the exception of the specific idiom of zip [0..]. I always waste time replacing zip with one that expects the same length, which doesn't seem to be worth its own package so gets duplicated in every project.

mchakravarty commented 9 years ago

I do actually make use of zip's standard semantics, but I think that is secondary. My main point is that semantic changes to an API that a user thinks they understand causes more problems than even a problematic API that meets the users expectations — with a weak reference to the principle of least astonishment.