AccelerateWithOptane / lab

Request access to Optane powered bare metal infrastructure for performance-testing and analysis purposes
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Would like access #3

Open serial-lab opened 6 years ago

serial-lab commented 6 years ago

If you are interested in filing a request for access to the Accelerate With Optane performance test and analysis Community Lab, please fill out the details below, or contact Avi Deitcher at with questions.

If you are just making a comment, ignore/delete those fields and file your issue.

Name, email, company, job title

Rob Magee CTO - SerialLab Corp

Note that projects with two or more participants are preferred.

Project Title and description

QU4RTET QU4RTET is an open source pharmaceutical track and trace product that helps companies comply with mandatory FDA safety and anti-drug-counterfeiting laws as defined in the Drug Supply Chain Security Act in Title II

How does the open source community benefit from your work?

This is the only open source product that small and virtual manufacturers have as an option. The commercial players in this space are often too expensive or have a business model that does not work for contract packaging organizations that operate on very slim margins. Lack of an open source solution just kills most generic drug manufacturers.

Is the code that you’re going to run 100% open source? If so, what is the URL or URLs where it is located?

Yes. 100%. It is all located here and on the PyPI- all available under the GPLv3:

What infrastructure (computing resources and network access) do you need? (see:

Compute for demo sites and storage since our electron-based GUI installers can not be hosted on GitLab.

Let us know if you need short-term (one time) support, or if this is a request for continuous ongoing support. If possible, please identify foundations or other support organizations that can help with long-running projects.

What performance-focused articles has your project published?

Hmmm...none yet. We're still heads-down on dev work.

Is your project intensely interested in performance, especially where disk I/O is concerned? Have you written about it, or shared results of testing? Share anything that shows your focus. Let's put it this way- every saleable item a company makes will have a serial number affixed and reported back to this system for regulatory reasons. The system must be able to handle large amounts of manufacturing data in short bursts (end of lot and shipments, etc) so must be able to scale up and down accordingly.

Please state your contributions to the open source community and any other relevant initiatives

Brag a little bit about yourself, please!

This is the first product of it's kind and it has a lot going for it- it's a big data problem that affects patient safety and also enables small companies that are being edged out to have an option. The DSCSA is little known to most people but every item in the US and EU supply chain will have a serial number on it in the next 3 years. The amount of data and the amount of infrastructure necessary to handle this will be non-trivial. I've been in the RFID, barcoding and track and trace space for over 20 years and have been keen to contribute back to this critical patient-safety initiative via the open source community.

Would you be willing to share your analysis and results publicly?


We are interested in blog posts, meetups and conference presentations. AccelerateWithOptane would be more than happy to host your blog posts or link to them, and may coordinate performance-oriented meetups and conferences. Are you open to sharing? 100%

Are you interested in testing Optane SSDs with Intel Memory Drive Technology (IMDT)?

Sure! Yes! Please! We should do a test on high manufacturing volumes and see how the system scales- this is a huge space. Like i said- the entire US / EU supply chain will require this system or one like it to store the serial number put on EVERY saleable item.

IMDT extends system memory transparently by integrating Optane SSD capacity into the memory subsystem, effectively expanding your memory pool beyond system DRAM capacities at a much lower cost. Check here for more information.