When I train the model, I want to get the model embeddings, but the number of entities size does not match the trained entities size. How could I get the real entitiy embedding size?
Actual Behavior
for example, the dataset wn18rr has the 40943 entities and 11 relations, but after the training, when I check the dimension of entities embedding, it shows[40559, k]
When I train the model, I want to get the model embeddings, but the number of entities size does not match the trained entities size. How could I get the real entitiy embedding size?
Actual Behavior
for example, the dataset wn18rr has the 40943 entities and 11 relations, but after the training, when I check the dimension of entities embedding, it shows[40559, k]
Expected Behavior
I want to get [40943,k]
Steps to Reproduce