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Website Content, Layout and Usability Issues and Sggestions #2

Open phptek opened 1 year ago

phptek commented 1 year ago

My feeling is that this content was written by a Bitcoiner who knows the system so well that they aren't necessarily easily able to present information to normies. The normies in question are the very people who need to know the what, how and only perhaps the why of Bitcoin.

The graphic under the first content block, while 100% accurate is approximately irrelevant to your audience. I appreciate you want to on-board people onto "Bitcoin" itself as well as provide them the info they need to accept it into their businesses. However, without the latter, they aint going to go in for the former. Ergo, content needs to be tailored to them specifically. Once they're "hooked-in", then you can explain about hard money and the realities of the fiat monetary system.

I'm a huge believer that in many cases the public should be using Bitcoin without them knowing they're using Bitcoin. I get that this will be very hard to do right now, but as an ultimate aim, Andreas Antonopoulos' famous story of the history of his sending email in the early 90s vs swiping on an iPad today is an excellent comparison to make as to where I think we need to get-to.

I don't know what sort of advocacy you're doing in the background, but looking at the website with fresh eyes, there are questions being asked in my head as if I were a normy, that should be avoided and reduced at all costs if the visitor is to remain and read everything. There's an old rule in website development from a user's perspective "don't make me think" (Steve Krug -

Here's a list of issues I've identified after approx a minute of reading: