Access4Learning / sif3-framework-dotnet

SIF 3.0 Developer Framework for .NET
Apache License 2.0
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SIF Framework Functional Services - lack of robust, enterprise grade documentation #22

Open kunalyadavdfe opened 7 years ago

kunalyadavdfe commented 7 years ago

"Simplicity": SIF Framework Functional Services - lack of robust, enterprise grade documentation. Thus making it harder for smaller suppliers to understand how to develop and implement a SIF environment. SIF demo setup creating multiple functional services entries – The functional services are associated per zone and per consumer context and multiple entries get created in the demo setup. This isn’t made clear due to the lack of documentation and just causes confusion when we look at the database entries. Moreover, there are other service entries which get created for both direct and brokered environment, even though we only wanted a direct environment setup

iantasker commented 7 years ago

This issue is related to #16 as Function Services uses the same implementation of NHibernate.