There is an issue with the way the mustUseAdvisory header is being handled in a provider.
Current Logic:
If object has an advisory ref id
if mustUseAdvisory = true
process request
raise error
if mustUseAdvisory = true
raise error
process request
Expected Behaviour:
if mustUseAdvisory = true
if there is a refId clash or the object does not have an advisory ref id
raise error
process request
process request assigning a new refid
The response to a create many where the mustUseAdvisory header is unset or set to false should contain a list of "Create Responses" containing advisory refId and it's new refid.
There is an issue with the way the mustUseAdvisory header is being handled in a provider.
Current Logic:
Expected Behaviour:
The response to a create many where the mustUseAdvisory header is unset or set to false should contain a list of "Create Responses" containing advisory refId and it's new refid.