Closed tqwhite closed 6 years ago
I think we should create a new global type, gSIF_ExtensibleType, that supplies an extension point but has no refId.
We didn't extend from any SIF base type with similar xSre types. xAttendanceEventType for instance is just an xs:complexType. Here's an exerpt from SIFNAxSRECommonTypes.xsd `
I seem to remember long conversations about having a "relaxed" version, where the refId is optional. There is a reference to a "xStudentRelaxedType" in the StudentLocatorResponse.xsd but I cannot find where it is defined.
While I didn't find the definition is does resolve somehow. See:
Subordinate elements (e.g., iepEligabilityBackgroundType) were extended from gOtherSIFType to allow extension. This brought along a refId as well as the extension point.
Since the subordinate elements are not exposed as independent objects the presence of a refId is inappropriate.