Access4LearningNA / NADM

North American Data Model
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There is no element representing the authorization to transfer the IEP #129

Closed tqwhite closed 6 years ago

tqwhite commented 7 years ago

When an IEP is sent to a recipient in a different legal entity, FERPA is pretty strict about making sure that the parents have granted permission. While the IEP has authorization for all of the IEP creation and modification steps, it does not have one for the transfer of the IEP. This means that the receiving district has no way of knowing that staff is allowed to look at or use the IEP.

tqwhite commented 7 years ago

I'm guessing that this is something that belongs in the administrative data section. It should, for the most part, be the same as the main authorization section for the IEP itself with the addition of the identities of the sending and receiving organizations.

tqwhite commented 7 years ago

TransmitPermissionList has been added to the iepAdministrativeData element. It allows an IEP object to carry a record of each person/org that has received a copy. This object includes authorization info, destination and reason. The strategy has been validated by a new colleague who is an experienced special ed admin and leader.

tqwhite commented 7 years ago

Reopened so that this issue continues to appear on the list.