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Accessibility Developer Guide
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Provide more reasoning in why some topic are covered in the guide and why others are missing #358

Open renestalder opened 3 years ago

renestalder commented 3 years ago

On the Hackday we specially discussed #164 and came to the conclusion, that the guide focuses on technical implementation in contrast to the WCAG that focus on web content in every aspect. We believe that we need to keep this focus to make sure we don't just create redundant content to the WCAG, which is why we closed #164.

However, it seemed obvious that we need to further clarify or mention topics developers touch in their daily work without providing new content. For example, developers are often confronted with embedding different types of media like videos and audio, but there is not that much technically they can do to make those more accessible than they natively are, on the other hand they might have an obligation to educate content creator that they are responsible to for example provide transcripts, captions or videos contain sign language translation.

In that sense, there are a couple of possibilities to resolve those issues, here are some examples: