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Element classes and labels break when using centerMode with useGroupRole #52

Open fractile81 opened 2 years ago

fractile81 commented 2 years ago

The addition of the useGroupRole option check in Slick.prototype.setSlideClasses ends up assigning allSlides to nothing.

        allSlides = _.$slider
            .removeClass('slick-active slick-center slick-current')
            .attr('aria-hidden', 'true');

        if (_.options.useGroupRole !== false && _.options.centerMode === true) {
            allSlides = allSlides
                .attr('aria-label', function() {
                    return $(this).attr('aria-label').replace(' (centered)', '');

This breaks centerMode from clearing the "(centered)" labelling, and looking for .slick-slide within allSlides yields no results because it's already a listing of matching slides.

Changing the body of that conditional to the following fixed these issues for me:

                .attr('aria-label', function() {
                    return $(this).attr('aria-label').replace(' (centered)', '');